Weekly Horoscope 02/07-02/13 - 金牛

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2022-02-12T00:19

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Weekly horoscope for 02/07-02/13
You may think that getting a personal relationship back on track will require
a lot of deep, hard work. Perhaps the misunderstandings and difficult interact
ions go back a long way, Taurus. But you may find - especially this week - tha
t if you start to engage the other party on a lighter, friendlier, more casual
level, it will open up the lines of communications in a softer way. In other
words, rather than addressing the issue as a big problem, try just relating on
e person to the other. Play a board game or card game. Go out for a coffee and
chat about harmless, happy things. You get the idea. Without the fear of a co
nfrontation, no one will be on the defensive. Recent aggravation with work or
with a partnership of some kind might be causing you to lock into a "fight or
flight" mode. You may want to just run away from it all. But this feeling is p
robably based on the sense of stress building up inside and a need to release
it. It may help to just back off a bit and to think only about the more pleasa
nt aspects of your relationship for a while. That will give you the freedom fr
om worry, and may soften your outlook. Good news related to money or a legal m
atter may come before the weekend.
engage 接觸
confrontation 對抗;衝突
aggravation 委屈;惱怒
pleasant 愉快;友好
outlook 觀點;

Tags: 金牛

All Comments

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2022-02-11T17:22
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2022-02-12T17:05
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2022-02-11T17:22

2022/02/11 唐綺陽/陰

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2022-02-11T00:30
陰 今天有很多麻煩事,礙於人情世故一定要參與,讓你感到很困擾。感情部分對別人太好, 導致吸引很多你沒興趣的人,建議要有自覺去避開。幸運色是綠色。 - ...

Daily Horoscope 2022/02/11

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2022-02-11T00:12
有科學家確信,我們只使用了大腦能力的一小部分。換句話說,我們有著這麼多的潛能, 所以你當然能夠去拓展自己的想法。如果你目前在嘗試中的事物遭遇困難或心理障礙,阿 牛。或許是在工作上,並且你沒有意識到這件事,記得,不要放棄。你比自己想像的更有 潛力,但你不會在狀態不好時去發掘它。所以試著讓自己冷靜之後再開始,一步 ...

Daily Horoscope 2022/02/10

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2022-02-10T00:23
有一項安排對你來說可能並不順利,儘管對他人來說這可能是非常棒的安排。或許很難去 跟別人解釋你為什麼不滿意,阿牛,但不要放棄。在這種情況下,你需要說出來,因為你 和其他人一樣有權利讓自己舒服。它可能只是一個需要描述的問題,以便讓其他人能夠站 在你的立場。讓他們感受你正在經歷的事,你所需要的改變就有可能發生。 — ...

2022/02/10 唐綺陽/晴時多雲

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2022-02-10T00:00
晴時多雲 今天有利於從事藝術、設計、想像力…等行業,相關工作者會有湧泉般的靈感。感情方面 容易想太多,建議要放輕鬆,自然的你才更有魅力。幸運色是綠色。 - ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2022-02-09T22:57
不曉得金牛座的各位會不會覺得 其實能力不差條件也不錯 但就是不懂得推銷自己 或者就是習慣低調 懶得證明些什麼 覺得會懂自己的人就會懂? 我覺得金牛座就是個默默發光 很需要伯樂的星座 但不曉得大家會不會因為太低調 有時反而感到很困擾呢? 如果身邊沒有人懂得你的好又該怎麼辦? - ...