唐綺陽 2019/12/03(二)晴時多雲 - 天蠍

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2019-12-03T08:13

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2019 / 12 / 03 (二) 晴時多雲




Tags: 天蠍

All Comments

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2019-12-06T08:32
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2019-12-08T21:46
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2019-12-11T07:46

Alex是大叔 12/02~12/08 天蠍座本週運

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2019-12-02T10:02
太陽或上升天蠍座:你會開始意識到,許多矛盾正在慢慢緩解,但不代表解決,天蠍們, 你們是需要提防許多事情的人,在這週你會意識到有人伸出示好的橄欖枝,請你接住它, 但接住的同時並不代表你要改變原先對這件事或者這個人的判斷,但示好代表機會,本週 因爲跟這個人共事或者要討論的某件事,會有好的突破。另外,隨著木星進入到 ...

唐綺陽 2019/12/02(一)陰

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2019-12-02T00:02
2019/12/02(一)陰 今天會遇到強勢的長官或長輩,他們有所要求或很難溝通、強勢命令...等,不要硬碰硬 對你比較好。 感情方面你的忙碌可能需要對方的配合,讓對方知道狀況,不要勉強自己去約會比較好。 幸運色是紫色。 - ...

02/12/2019 Daily Horoscope

James avatar
By James
at 2019-12-01T18:18
When you are saving up for a big purchase, you know that every little bit counts. Although it may take a while, the pennies, nickels and dimes you toss int ...

2019年12月 Monthly Horoscope

Olive avatar
By Olive
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A power struggle could ensue this month if you insist on doing something your way in a situation related to a family matter. And why shouldnand#39;t you, S ...

01/12/2019 Daily Horoscope

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2019-11-30T22:21
When a friend invites you over for coffee, you probably donand#39;t think about the cleanliness of the kitchen where they will be preparing the coffee you ...