唐綺陽 2020/05/19(二) - 摩羯

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2020-05-19T08:36

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今日運勢 2020/05/19(二)雨





Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2020-05-23T10:57
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2020-05-28T04:15
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2020-05-28T19:04

0518 DailyHoroscope

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2020-05-18T18:03
A situation you have found yourself in may be pretty silly, Capricorn, but you may not have noticed it yet. That may be because it also happens to be irri ...

Alex是大叔 05/18~05/24 摩羯座本週運勢

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2020-05-18T09:29
太陽或上升摩羯座:你們很清楚,好感是最容易被消耗的東西,與之對應容易被消耗的還 有信任。摩羯座們,也許恰好在最近幾週的時間裡——或者進入這個2020年,消耗你好感 和信任的事情、人都有,所以你們現在也不得不做出一些捨棄的決定,坦白說,從上個月 開始,你們就在逐漸做一些止損的決定了,為了不引發更多的失望或者帶來 ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2020-05-18T07:22
你的星座:獅女 你/妳們的關係:將滿半年情侶 大家好~ 因為天氣越來越熱了!! 想說幫家摩買件騎車可穿的薄外套遮陽(? 從上週左右就挑好外套 (幫他找好網站尺碼都丟給他了!!!) 就是讓他選好顏色/尺碼給我這樣我就能訂了~ 但是每次都說好可是就都沒下文了… (中間斷斷續續至少提了5次吧) 後來我昨 ...

0517 DailyHoroscope

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2020-05-17T01:32
You probably donand#39;t see yourself as much of a survivalist, Capricorn. But with your command of logic and your fierce work ethic, you would no doubt fi ...

0516 DailyHoroscope

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2020-05-16T07:45
When good news arrives today or very soon, do not greet it with cynicism or do ubt. You may have become slightly jaded in recent weeks, but now you may see ...