唐綺陽 2020/12/08(二)陰 - 天蠍

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2020-12-08T04:13

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2020 / 12 / 08 (二) 陰




Tags: 天蠍

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08/12/2020 Daily Horoscope

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2020-12-07T23:40
The announcers of doom and gloom and all fear-mongers in general get a rise out of the reactions they get. They may not see this as a kind of power because ...

Alex是大叔 12/07~12/13 天蠍座本週運

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2020-12-07T10:21
太陽或上升天蠍座:有些話不說,就沒有說的機會了。這句話我曾經也提及過,現在要重 新再提醒你們一次,各位天蠍座,本週你們要在關鍵時刻表達自己,這種表達,或許是聲 援他人,也或者是表態自己的立場,當然也可能是拒絕別人,總之你需要及時說清楚,否 則可能帶來損失或者遺憾。週一週三期間,可能會“看別人臉色”,但你很無辜 ...

唐綺陽 2020/12/07(一)晴時多雲

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2020-12-07T08:00
2020 / 12 / 07 (一) 晴時多雲 今天要花一些時間整理、歸納事情,就能事半功倍,找到方向,如何讓事情更有效做完, 朝這走就對了。 感情方面要注意失衡的地方,對方對你好就忘記兌現承諾,千萬不要恃寵而驕。 幸運色是灰色。 - ...

07/12~13/12/2020 Weekly Horoscope

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2020-12-06T12:35
You may start out this week carrying an emotional burden. Something may be on your mind, Scorpio, and you could really use some reassurance and support. Bu ...

07/12/2020 Daily Horoscope

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2020-12-06T11:39
Sometimes when we donand#39;t receive encouragement from others, we assume they either donand#39;t approve of what we are doing, or they donand#39;t admire ...