唐綺陽 2021/7/13 (二) - 雙子

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2021-07-13T00:50

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2021 / 07 / 13 (二) 打雷閃電




Tags: 雙子

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07/13 the daily horoscope

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2021-07-12T08:49
Although you may be very eager to wrap up an agreement or make some kind of a deal, this is not a good day to sign on the dotted line. There may be more in ...

Alex是大叔 07/12~07/18 雙子座本週運

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2021-07-12T08:45
太陽或上升雙子座:這週你其實很容易觸發自己的防禦系統,也會變得比較敏感,可能對 一些話有些過度的解讀,或者對一些人很容易缺乏耐心,尤其是上半週,這幾天尤其要注 意避免爭吵和與他人鬧不愉快——你其實可以對很多東西視而不見的,那就繼續保持這個 態度,不要影響到你的心情。你的守護星水星在周初更換位置,同時跟木星有和 ...

07/12 the daily horoscope

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2021-07-11T09:39
A big success does not usually happen overnight. Instant gratification, althou gh often sought, is rarely found. But when you do have an exciting achieveme ...

07/11 the daily horoscope

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2021-07-10T09:43
You may have someone in mind now who you emulate based on the way they accompl ished something. And because you have seen their success, Gemini, you might ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2021-07-09T18:31
Jessica一週星座運勢7/8-7/14 http://www.stars12.com/2021/07/jessica78-714.html 占星小巫一週星座運勢7/9-7/15 http://www.stars12.com/2021/07/79-715.html 祁飛莫然2021年7月星座感情運勢 h ...