幫我找一個團體:))) - 命運

By Tracy
at 2009-10-24T00:00
at 2009-10-24T00:00
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可是忘了叫什麼= =
xx girls的
"nobody nobody,but you"
nobody nobody,but you
可是忘了叫什麼= =
xx girls的
"nobody nobody,but you"
nobody nobody,but you
All Comments

By Hazel
at 2009-10-25T20:55
at 2009-10-25T20:55
姓名:閔先藝(隊長)藝名:先藝SUN YE昵稱:zoki、小隊、閔leader韓文寫法:민선예隊中職務:Leader, Main Vocal家鄉:釜山(江原道)(現住首爾)學歷:東國大學(09將入學)生日日期:1989年8月12日星座:獅子座身高/體重:162CM/45KG血型:A型愛好:電影、音樂、運動最喜歡的歌手:Beyonce、이루마最喜歡的演員:強尼戴普、Jessica Alba最喜歡的顏色:天藍色、藍色最喜歡的食物:炒年糕、霜淇淋最喜歡的飲料:17茶練習時間:五年零六個月語言特長:韓語、中文性格特點:隨和、溫柔宗教信仰:基督教座右銘:只要去做就能成功理想型:正直有責任感並且去教會的人最常見表情:倆酒窩Fan Cafe:JYP 先藝 Fan Cafe Sweet譽恩
姓名:朴譽恩藝名:譽恩 YE EUN昵稱:Oppa、朴女士、女皇韓文寫法:박예은隊中職務:Lead Vocal家鄉:首爾特別市學歷:慶熙大學 Post Mordern 音樂科(在學)生日日期:1989年5月26日星座:雙子座身高/體重:165CM/47KG血型:AB型愛好:音樂、讀書,看性格書特長:唱歌最喜歡的歌手:Lauryn Hill、Aretha Franklin、소향最喜歡的顏色:草綠色最喜歡的食物:四喜飯理想型:正直的人練習時間:三個月語言特長:韓語、中文性格特點:大氣,寬容宗教信仰:基督教最常見表情:像小狐狸一樣微笑Fan Cafe:JYP Wonder Girls 朴譽恩公開1號Fan Cafe 一心同體瑜斌
姓名:金瑜斌藝名:瑜斌 YOO BIN昵稱:小U、Yu Bi nyong韓文寫法:김유빈隊中職務:Rapper家鄉:光州廣域市(全羅北道)生日日期:1988年10月4日星座:天秤座身高/體重:163CM/45KG血型:O型特長:游泳、滑雪愛好:看完電影后討論、收集CD喜歡的食物:沙拉、生魚片、青蘋果宗教信仰:基督教練習時間:兩年語言特長:韓語、中文性格特點:開朗,帥氣理想型:做每件事都很認真的人最常見表情:經常爽朗的笑(男孩子氣的)Fan Cafe:金瑜斌 Love For You 宣美
姓名:宣美生日:1992年5月2日藝名:宣美 SUN MI昵稱:四次元、抽、小美、宣宣美(昭熙取)、花鹿、선마韓文名字:선미隊中職務:Sub Vocal家鄉:慶州(青旦縣)生日日期:1992年5月2日星座:金牛座身高/體重:164CM/43KG血型:AB型愛好:攝影、地球科學特長:表情變換最喜歡的歌手:Beyonce、Rain最喜歡的演員:宋強虎最喜歡的顏色:紫色最喜歡的食物:水果沙拉、烏冬面宗教信仰:基督教練習時間:一年零六個月語言特長:韓語、中文性格特點:單純,抽風(被評為四次元韓星之榜眼)理想型:有巧克力腹肌的男生最常見表情:懵、游離、傻笑Fan Cafe:Wonder Girls Sunmi Love Mi昭熙
姓名:安昭熙藝名:昭熙SO HEE昵稱:饅頭、絨球(宣美取)、安小孩、安紳士、안소(안쏘)韓文寫法:안소희隊中職務:Sub Vocal家鄉:光州(現住首爾)生日日期:1992年6月27日星座:巨蟹座身高/體重:163CM/43KG血型:AB型愛好:電影、音樂、讀書、睡覺特長:跆拳道最喜歡的歌手:Beyonce、Alicia keys、Rain、임정희最喜歡的演員:全度妍最喜歡的顏色:粉色最喜歡的食物:飯,韓食宗教信仰:佛教練習時間:兩年零兩個月語言特長:韓語、中文性格特點:內向,可愛理想型:手漂亮的男生最常見表情:時常鼓起包子臉、採訪時眼神飄悠不定。Fan Cafe:JYP Wonder Girls 安昭熙 公開1號 Fancafe WLA泫雅(已退出)
姓名:金泫雅(退隊成員)藝名:泫雅 HYUN A暱稱:野馬、小馬、小雅韓文寫法:김현아學歷:韓國藝術高校生日日期:1992年6月6日星座:雙子座身高/體重:163CM/45KG血型:O型愛好:烹調、服裝設計、攝影、看電影最喜歡的歌手:Beyonce、Pussycat Dolls、Rain、UN最喜歡的顏色:黃色練習時間:三年零一個月語言特長:韓語、中文性格特點:爆發力強,孩子氣最常見表情:在舞臺中享受的表情Fan Cafe:比花還魅力的她 — 泫雅

By Ivy
at 2009-10-24T17:49
at 2009-10-24T17:49

By Dinah
at 2009-10-25T21:26
at 2009-10-25T21:26
Wonder Girls-Nobody
You Know I still Love You Baby.
And it will never change. (Saranghae)
I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
Why are you trying to, to make me leave ya
I know what you're thinking
Baby why aren't you listening
How can I just
Just love someone else and
Forget you completely
When I know you still love me
Telling me you're not good enough
My life with you is just too tough
You know it's not right so
Just stop and come back boy
How can this be
When we were meant to be
I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
Why can't we just, just be like this
Cause it's you that I need and nothing else until the end
Who else can ever make me feel the way I
I feel when I'm with you, no one will ever do
Telling me you're not good enough
My life with you is just too tough
You know me enough so
You know what I need boy
Right next to you is where I need to be.
I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I don't want no body, body
I don't want no body, body
Honey you know it's you that I want, it's you that I need
Why can't you see~
I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
Back to the days when we were so young and wild and free
Nothing else matters other than you and me
So tell me why can't it be
Please let me live my life my way
Why do you push me away
I don't want nobody nobody nobody nobody but you.

By Kumar
at 2009-10-28T06:26
at 2009-10-28T06:26

By Thomas
at 2009-10-27T19:14
at 2009-10-27T19:14

By Barb Cronin
at 2009-10-28T01:11
at 2009-10-28T01:11
是wonder girls
這首歌是他們翻唱很紅的 nobody

By Caitlin
at 2009-10-26T22:21
at 2009-10-26T22:21

By Quanna
at 2009-10-26T12:20
at 2009-10-26T12:20

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2009-10-27T05:40
at 2009-10-27T05:40
應該是 Wonder Girls
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