拜託幫我翻譯一下>” - 天蠍

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2007-12-11T00:00

Table of Contents

性別 女生
生日 1974年11月1日
星座 天蠍座
血型 A型
出生地 英國倫敦郊外
身高 5個蘋果高
體重 3個蘋果重(6.6磅)
個性 開朗活潑、常保持溫柔之心、熱心,喜歡交朋友
住家 住在英國倫敦近郊小鎮的紅屋頂小白屋,是二層高的平房,離倫敦市中心(泰晤士河)20公里的地方。小鎮上約有2萬多人口。祖父母住在一個森林裡,只要一天的時間就足夠步行過去。放假時,爸爸會開車帶著家人一起去探望爺爺奶奶。 Kitty的學校位於倫敦市中,離家要4公里。Kitty每天都乘著巴士上學,只需過三個站即可到達。
有小老鼠裘依(Joy)、白兔姐姐凱西(Kathy) 、小熊提比(Tippy) 、小地鼠摩立(MOURY) 、裘弟(JUDY) 、羅立(RORY) 、提姆和提米(TIM&TAMMY) 、泰迪小熊(Tainiy Cham) 、崔西(Terence) 、菲菲(FIFI) 、湯姆士熊(THOMAS) 、丹尼爾‧史塔﹝Daniel Star﹞
最喜歡的科目 英語及音樂
未來的願望 長大後想當一位偉大的詩人或鋼琴家;在1981年,雙親便送了一座三腳鋼琴給她!
專長 做小點心、小餅乾(這是喜歡做料理的媽媽傳授的手藝);運動全能,其中最擅長打網球;鋼琴彈得也非常優秀
最喜歡的食物 最喜歡吃媽媽親手做的蘋果派,認為媽媽的蘋果派是世界上最好吃的;鎮上麵包屋的叔叔所製作的法國麵包
最有魅力的特徵 全身上下充滿可愛氣息的Kitty,最有吸引力的地方是左耳上戴著紅色蝴蝶結,還有一個圓圓的小尾巴
最喜歡的事物 喜歡聽童話故事;收集各式各樣的美麗可愛的小裝飾品,尤其以蝴蝶結為最多糖果、小星星、小金魚;喜歡和許多好朋友一起到公園或森林遊玩
**幫我翻成英文~ 謝謝^^
Tags: 天蠍

All Comments

David avatar
By David
at 2007-12-14T10:29

Gender: Female
Birthday: 01Nov1974

Blood Type: A

Birthplace: Suburban London, England

Height: Same as 5 apples!

Weight: Same as 3 apples! (6.6 pound)

Personality: Very happy and cheerful, very energetic., She loves to meet new people and make new friends

Kitty lives in a red roof little white house at a suburban town 20km from London. The name of the town is unknown, but the population is roughly around 20,000. Hello Kitty's grandparents live in a forest, which to get there it takes a whole day traveling on foot. During holiday Hello Kitty's dad often takes Kitty, Mimi and the rest of the family to visit them (driving car) .
Hello Kitty's school is on the way to London, which is 4km from Hello Kitty's home. Hello Kitty take bus to school every morning, it only takes 3 stops before they get to school.
Family: Hello Kitty lives in a family of 4 with her parents Papa (George), Mama (Mary) and her twin sister (Mimi)==> 好像不是Mimmy ^^”????
Grandpa (Anthony ) & Grandma live in a forest.
Helly kitty fiends
Joey (a mouse ), Cathy (a rabbit) 好像不是kathy??, Tippy (a bear), Mory (seal) 在網上好像是seal不是地鼠 ?? , Jodie (Judy??), Rory, Tim & Tammy, Tiny Chum(Tainiy Cham??), Terence (是tracy吧??!!) , Fifi , Thomas & Daniel Star
Favorite School Subjects: English and Music

Future: Be a pianist or a poet. 1981, her parents give her a piano as present

2007-12-12 13:33:14 補充:
Good at: baking cookies (learning from Mama who love cook), making pancakes etc. She loves sport too, her favorite sport is tennis.

Favorite food : Apple pie (baked by mama) and think that is the most delicious apply pie over the world . However, she also likes baguette make by the cake shop
2007-12-12 13:33:29 補充:
What makes Hello Kitty attractive?: What attracts the most is her red ribbon on the top left ear, and her fluffy round ball shaped tail.
2007-12-12 13:33:36 補充:
What she likes: listen stories, likes collecting little stars, little goldfishes and as many ribbons as possible as decorations. She also likes to go to nearby park or forest with


James avatar
By James
at 2007-12-11T00:00
但自從大家 ( 全 班 幾乎)都覺得我跟他有愛昧關係
之後押!!他就比較少翻過來ㄍ我說�� ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2007-12-11T00:00
他不太喜歡我管她.有時她凌晨1.2點還會跟朋友(有男有女)出去喝酒聊天.都喝到天亮..然後住朋友家.到中� ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2007-12-11T00:00
(因為他常在英文課睡= ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2007-12-11T00:00
他常常選擇深夜打電話給我這是什麼意思呢! ?
他怎麼不5點打� ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2007-12-10T00:00
也請天蠍女們 幫幫忙!!QQ 我一率給20點拉~~~~
感~~~謝~~~~拉~~< ...