貝拉週運(原文) 3/20~3/26 - 牡羊

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2013-03-20T22:55

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Ring the bells, beat the drums, you’re entering a wonderful passage now
that both the Sun and Venus have moved into your neck of the woods although
you are kind of straddling two worlds at present, a foot in the dark and
one in the light, one forward, one still back (but poised to take that next
be step!).

I think you are entertaining quite a few ideas of new directions and you have
certainly got the necessary pizzazz and oomph behind you that was somewhat
lacking of late. There is a frisson of excitement as you anticipate this
new horizon and with it may be “fresh slates” (in an emotional sense) and
new beginnings in both business and in lifestyle.

In fact you're raring to go, so imbued with confidence, charisma and
enthusiasm. Life is sweet (and so are you!) and everyone wants a taste.
Indeed your spheres of influence are at a peak and you hold a lot of authority
or “weight” within a certain matter and you are at the helm.

You feel obliged to create a win-win between parties as you have adopted the
role of mediator, or mentor or guide and you realize that this may be an
opportunity for you to make your mark upon the world (as onerous as it is).

This could be tricky because on the one hand how you handle this could be
unfavorable (and even adverse for your own interests) and yet you have a
financial obligation or an emotional commitment to follow through.
The trick is in finding that happy medium and a workable strategy.

It could be a delicate balancing act as it could ultimately command a heavy
price (and not in monetary terms) but as the week progresses you will see that
you are leaning towards that front foot.

Tags: 牡羊

All Comments

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2013-03-24T11:54
要迎向光明了!!!!! (對不起我只看得懂不會翻)
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2013-03-28T14:49
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2013-04-01T00:44
喔喔喔喔喔喔 ff大出現惹


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2013-03-20T21:34
http://my.horoscope.com/astrology/tomorrow-horoscope-aries.html All sorts of wonderful changes are in the air at home and at work, Aries. On the personal ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2013-03-20T20:24
最近一直都是低氣壓,尤其在工作上 每天每天都是面對著一樣的臭臉 就像我欠他幾千萬一樣 生意不好是我的錯嗎? 我做的事情明明就比他多很多,薪水少很多我還不是樂觀其成 心情不好就可以帶來生意嘛? 我不想做生意嘛?後勤的部分是我在負責,沒生意我壓力也很大!!!!! 都只想拿高薪不想擔責任 對他有利的 ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2013-03-20T19:15
大家好! 我是高大挺拔外表溫柔才華洋溢的美編男孩丹丹.......的朋友^^ 由於丹丹帶妹出去玩7天了 所以小弟我特此來代班 看見版上一堆迷途的少女 總是上來詢問他的另一半相處的問題 剛好看到這一篇還蠻好玩的 就來和大家分享一下 當然我也會附上可以看到其他星座的連結 希望迷網的羊羊美女們也 ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2013-03-20T16:38
最近認識一個羊女, 認識的時間大概只有1個禮拜, 聊天講電話都還滿熱絡的,大概都講一~兩小時, 不過這兩天她訊息也不看 手機也不太接, 會接然後說很忙 會告訴我她忙公司的事情, 然後fb有上線也不會看訊息 LINE也不會看訊息, 有點突然.... 是我的話我忙會回應一下說在忙, 但她完全沒有~and#39 ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2013-03-20T13:55
其實我根本不是牡羊座, 但從開始交朋友,大家總嚷著我一點也不像巨蟹座, 一開始猜星座也是從牡羊座開始猜, 原本我只是覺得我是變種巨蟹,所以不以為意。 一直到我前陣子去測了星座才發現...... 我的上升星座在牡羊啊!!!!!! 我的個性裡牡羊占的比例最高!!! 然後開始研究牡羊座才發 ...