貝拉運勢 1/11-17 - 牡羊

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2012-01-12T01:48

Table of Contents


It’s probably a good idea to watch what comes out of your mouth this week
because the potential to be misunderstood is high and yet conversely it is
also a key time to get a key message across and actually be listened to this
time around.


It may not be the first time you’ve communicated your wishes to certain
parties but it will be the last time; especially if you are prepared to be
open to finding some middle ground.


Besides your heart is not really in work this week, it’s otherwise “occupied
” by a person or another interest or “interests”. These days you are like
a bud that is opening up after a long, cold winter and your soul is thawing
and soaring and you are becoming more and more the individual that you are.


No more herd mentality, no more being defined by other people’s expectations
but you have to stay focused on this mission and not be distracted!
You’ve been walking around in a fog for a long time so make sure your eyes
are wide open to the left field opportunities that the Cosmos will be
throwing your way – and be brave and honest enough to grab them!


If you don’t have someone special (or a special interest) in your life right
now and you are looking for distractions and entertainment; you could become
embroiled in matters that don’t concern you at all. If it’s the former
your interest is positively engaged and there is a lot happening here for you
emotionally, if it’s the latter remember the adage “ the devil tempts all
other men, but idle men tempt the devil”.


2012 holds so much promise for you to be all that you want and need but you
have to be brave and adventurous and WILLING.


Tags: 牡羊

All Comments

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2012-01-12T18:16
沒有人就算了 還會找上惡魔是怎樣T皿T
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2012-01-17T04:57
Una avatar
By Una
at 2012-01-17T17:02
推"越來越有自己的味道" (謝謝翻譯)
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2012-01-22T09:30
感謝翻譯!最近真的容易有些誤會 但也活出自己
David avatar
By David
at 2012-01-25T15:36
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2012-01-25T22:38


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2012-01-12T00:06
加班又值班 我知道羊男總是很忙 知道睡眠時間不多 回到家想放空可能不想講話 所以也盡量不打電話吵他 好不容易羊男有連休一個禮拜 事前他告訴我可能會出國 當然這一個禮拜我都乖乖的 沒簡訊也沒有電話 事後才知道它他是跟家人環島..... 雖然有些生氣 有些難過 但也沒有怪他沒告訴我 或是主動連絡 ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2012-01-11T23:46
愛面子又熱心過頭的牡羊男 在剛剛又做了一件讓自己後悔的事情 大約10點左右 行走在家裡附近的店家 在一個不起眼的角落發現了一千元! 當下反射性的撿起來就往前衝 邊衝邊跑邊拿起來看 邊很興奮大吼 是兩千塊 是兩千塊!!!! 這也太剛好 最近正在為錢傷腦筋 剛好明天就急需用錢 可能是跑一跑 ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2012-01-11T23:45
發現有異狀也好幾個月了 只是我都不願意相信 曾經陪著我度過數不清日子的妳 陪著我歡笑..哭泣..深夜裡還跟著我在實驗室裡做研究 一起跟團..推王..解任務.. 現在只能在回憶裡思念 是我虧欠妳太多 在不知不覺中加深了對妳的依賴 給了妳太沉重的包袱 妳總是默默的用妳的習慣動作 掩飾我對妳的過度操勞造成的 ...

01/12 牡羊座運勢

Una avatar
By Una
at 2012-01-11T20:35
[出處]:科技紫微網 01/12 牡羊座運勢 整體運 : ★★★★★ 愛情運 : ★★★★★ 事業運 : ★★★★☆ 財 運 : ★★★★☆ 今日運勢短評: 今天的吉祥色效用頗為明顯。 貴人星座:射手座 幸運數字:3 吉時吉色:p ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2012-01-11T18:28
還是很愛很愛羊男, 可是從我一開始在意,羊羊卻不避嫌 還是幾乎每次上班的時候就跟那個女生聊天, 甚至會抓準時機跟那個女生同時間點下班 跟那個女生還是會打來打去鬧來鬧去, 會記得對方喜歡吃什麼討厭吃什麼, 會請客,會問對方週末是怎麼度過的, 說完全沒有什麼,就只是好朋友 我真的該相信嗎? 羊還 ...