貝拉運勢 5/16-5/22 - 牡羊

By Frederic
at 2012-05-16T20:16
at 2012-05-16T20:16
Table of Contents
People are such disappointments. With Saturn in your relationship house,
friends diss you, lovers distress (or dump you), spouses send you around the
bend and bosses and coworkers drive you to distraction. Talk about being
disillusioned with humanity!
But that’s all by-the-by because you are making money hand over fist. Doors
are opening at l’office and business transactions are a “happening” thing
– lots of new sources, new contacts and new contracts.
So I would suggest that you can afford to take your nose from the grindstone
this week for a moment or two. Give yourself a break from the blistering
pace and have some fun (even though you will protest that you haven’t a
minute to scratch yourself!)
There’s the well known line from Matthew “What good will it be for a man if
he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?” so make sure you’re not
paying too high a price for your financial security and your ongoing work
commitments. Besides nothing can cure the soul so well as stimulating some
of your five senses (and I think you know which ones..).
Time flies by at such a rapid pace, and people come in (and go out) of your
life so quickly; so you should never miss the opportunity to tell certain
people how much they mean to you (especially during Venus retrograde) – even
if they do disappoint you and drive you crazy!
Sure you are honey-tongued and very persuasive right now, but you’ll always
show more by what you are than what you can ever say. You are Aries = “I AM
All Comments

By John
at 2012-05-20T22:56
at 2012-05-20T22:56

By Kyle
at 2012-05-23T04:03
at 2012-05-23T04:03

By Rebecca
at 2012-05-25T12:02
at 2012-05-25T12:02

By Hedwig
at 2012-05-26T17:52
at 2012-05-26T17:52

By Xanthe
at 2012-05-31T00:47
at 2012-05-31T00:47

By Joseph
at 2012-06-03T12:21
at 2012-06-03T12:21

By Andy
at 2012-06-03T15:23
at 2012-06-03T15:23

By Linda
at 2012-06-08T02:56
at 2012-06-08T02:56

By Megan
at 2012-06-09T10:31
at 2012-06-09T10:31

By James
at 2012-06-10T09:27
at 2012-06-10T09:27

By Tristan Cohan
at 2012-06-12T14:35
at 2012-06-12T14:35

By Mason
at 2012-06-14T23:56
at 2012-06-14T23:56

By Quanna
at 2012-06-19T11:14
at 2012-06-19T11:14

By Erin
at 2012-06-23T07:31
at 2012-06-23T07:31

By Frederic
at 2012-06-25T08:03
at 2012-06-25T08:03

By Frederica
at 2012-06-29T19:01
at 2012-06-29T19:01

By Frederic
at 2012-07-01T07:54
at 2012-07-01T07:54

By Olive
at 2012-07-04T23:06
at 2012-07-04T23:06

By Hedy
at 2012-07-05T13:09
at 2012-07-05T13:09

By Daniel
at 2012-07-10T01:45
at 2012-07-10T01:45

By Andy
at 2012-07-14T02:10
at 2012-07-14T02:10

By Irma
at 2012-07-17T06:53
at 2012-07-17T06:53

By Faithe
at 2012-07-19T15:05
at 2012-07-19T15:05

By Gilbert
at 2012-07-22T23:44
at 2012-07-22T23:44

By Erin
at 2012-07-24T08:55
at 2012-07-24T08:55

By Steve
at 2012-07-29T02:11
at 2012-07-29T02:11

By Odelette
at 2012-07-30T09:03
at 2012-07-30T09:03

By Belly
at 2012-08-03T04:07
at 2012-08-03T04:07
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