週運勢Virgo horoscope for Jul 24 - Jul - 處女

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2017-07-23T23:57

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Virgo horoscope for Jul 24 - Jul 30

In the old-time black-and-white television shows, Clark Kent would enter a pho
ne booth, spin around, and come out in Superman attire. There are not many pho
ne booths still around, Virgo, so you may not feel much like a superhero, but
you have the power to transform yourself in a similar way. You may not have ti
ghts and a snazzy cape, but you can create some sort of imaginary ritual in yo
ur mind to find your power and tap into your magical abilities. This week, som
eone will appear in your life who can show you the way, and right now, this is
something you need very much. Your mentor may come early to mid-week, and he
or she may not appear like a wise soul on the surface, so you must trust your
instincts to determine this person's identity, and you must be open to this pe
rson's suggestions. If you do, you can resolve several emotionally volatile is
sues in your personal life.
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,處處, 但你還是有能力以類似的方式來轉變自己。你可能沒有緊身衣或是超一流酷炫的



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Tags: 處女

All Comments

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2017-07-28T22:14
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2017-07-31T23:54
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2017-08-05T10:40
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2017-08-09T12:35
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2017-08-10T06:49
感謝 我的導師也出現了 還是個妹妹幫我解惑感情的事( ̄
▽ ̄)
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2017-08-10T18:57
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2017-08-13T05:39
太好了 我很需要
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2017-08-16T15:13


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2017-07-23T22:36
原po蠍女 最近被同班的處女男已讀不回了三次..... 而且其中兩次都是我有明確問句的情形下..... 他平常在班上就滿安靜 而且也是不太常用賴跟手機的人 就算有急事要聯絡,也是滿晚才看到 之前一起吃了幾次飯 感覺氣氛不錯所以想多聊一點變熟 也的確有一陣子還算有用賴小聊到 但最近一直被已讀不回..... ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2017-07-23T21:24
不知道其他人是怎麼樣 我發覺對我而言 活潑直接的火象星座常能吸引低調內斂的處女座注意 之前跟射手曖昧 但最後因為一些事傷了彼此 之後就沒有再連絡 最近吸引我注意的是牡羊女 一開始我只覺得我出現時 感覺她的目光會跟著我 我不清楚是因為那群人我對她而言是比較熟的??但我們也沒有很熟 是因為有共同的朋友 ...

Virgo horoscope for Sunday Jul 23

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2017-07-23T10:51
Virgo horoscope for Sunday Jul 23 There is someone in your life who canand#39;t help but get a dig in to you whenever you get together. From what seems li ...

她回我了 但是....

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2017-07-23T00:01
大大們 前幾天我有發篇文章 是 and#39;and#39;還能繼續嗎?and#39;and#39; 她在LINE和SNAPCHAT上的消失 讓我煩惱 天天都是以讀 我很害怕她的消失和離開 直到今天她回我了 我問他還想跟我在一起嗎 她說了: 我爸知道我跟你在一起了 她不准 (我覺得這不像藉口 ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2017-07-22T15:27
雙方都是處女座,剛認識時很熱絡,女方也會主動開話題,縱使聊到一段用貼圖了,她還 是會想一個新話題繼續聊,後來越來越曖昧,會稱呼對方未來的男朋友/女朋友。出去的 時候還會牽手,但我們彼此說好,多相處一段時間再決定要不要在一起,出去玩合照她還 會叫我po在ig ,我會跟她說,在一起後再po 女方會跟男性朋友用電話 ...