01/22 Astrology.com - 水瓶

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2017-01-22T00:58

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You don't have to sit there any longer -- you've been waiting long enough. It'
s time for someone to tell you exactly what they think of you, and in no uncer
tain terms. The good news is that the two of you already agree on most everyth
ing, from politics to ice cream flavors. Now all you have to do is find a way
to pry this one little thing out of them. It won't be too tough.


Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2017-01-24T02:13
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2017-01-29T00:04

1/22祝我們生日快樂 :)

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2017-01-22T00:08
我的星座或生日:1/22 Dear瓶版的大家 又到了我們的日子,先祝大家生日快樂:) 希望每一天都能開開心心的 下輩子再一起繼續當水瓶座:D 謝謝瓶板 每年生日都有你們陪伴:) - ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2017-01-21T22:46
※有重新修正過內文及回覆※ 我的星座或生日:巨蟹 在公司, 我是瓶女的後輩 她是我學習的師傅 一直以來覺得她很厲害,無論是在工作上還是與人相對應上 是個崇拜她的傻瓜妹妹 可能是我個性比較大剌剌的,跟男生一樣的不拘小節 加上剛出社會在與人之間的相處上是個菜鳥 等我發現她對我非常冷淡的時候,已經是很久 ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2017-01-21T21:52
我的星座或生日:射手 11/24 大家好,我在水瓶板最後一篇發文是於去年九月多,我以為跟瓶子沒後續的告別文。 在那天過後,瓶子消失了一陣子(大約兩三天),過後每天陸陸續續都會有一兩句關心的 訊息傳賴給我,起先我也不以為意,就是有一句沒一句的回,他有時間還是會約我,找我 吃飯、看電影,但就是很單純的吃飯、看 ...


George avatar
By George
at 2017-01-21T01:11
如果發現情人出軌,水瓶座能不能夠原諒? 水瓶女:已經預料到 其實現在社會上男票出軌的事件太多了, 大家公認的好男人那麼多, 最後都一個個的出軌了, 而水瓶座妹子卻對出軌事件沒有那麼大的反應, 因為就算她們自己男票出軌, 水瓶座妹子也是一臉淡定的, 早就預料到了, 因為社會的風氣如此…… 她用自 ...

01/21 水瓶運勢

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2017-01-20T23:45
(Astrology.com) Itand#39;s not surprising that people turn to you when they have a conflict they canand#39;t resolve alone. After all, you give good advice ...