02/08 the daily horoscope - 雙子

William avatar
By William
at 2022-02-07T10:55

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A solution to a dilemma in your personal life has been a long time coming. But
now you may believe that something that worked for someone you know will also
work for you. Your situations may be similar, Gemini, but you are two differe
nt people, and there may be circumstances that affect you differently. Don't b
e satisfied with someone else's resolution to a problem; seek out your own. It
won't be as hard as you think. And with the right approach, you can walk away
from this feeling quite satisfied.









Tags: 雙子

All Comments

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2022-02-08T19:00
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2022-02-08T03:25

Alex是大叔 02/07~02/13 雙子座本週運

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2022-02-07T08:43
太陽或上升雙子座:水星跟冥王星在本週相遇,但可能從過去兩週開始,你隱隱約約就有 些懷疑,猜測一些人或者一些事情了,也可能是你有話想要表達,卻一直沒有機會去說出 口。不過,這周這個星象正式出現,那些猜測能夠得到驗證,同時那些想要表達的感受, 言語也會有時機出現,讓你順其自然的說出來。這個星象,可能也會幫你跟某個 ...

02/07 the daily horoscope

James avatar
By James
at 2022-02-06T11:33
You may feel as though you are being pulled in many directions all at once. In the midst of a disagreement among friends or family members, everyone wants ...


George avatar
By George
at 2022-02-05T20:07
心理測驗-花30秒看你是個怎樣的人 http://www.stars12.com/2019/10/30.html 心理測驗-在感情關係中,你是那一型? http://www.stars12.com/2019/10/blog-post.html 占星小巫-喜報!2022新年被錦鯉附體的星座 http://w ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2022-02-05T13:53
大家好~我是小龜~ 2月份運勢全部完成啦! 過年假期只剩下一點點點點啦... 好好把握一下QQQQ 12星座運勢連結總整理版: https://turtle880.com/monall/ptt 牡羊座 更有耐心,感情也就順利了。 到了2月與以往最大的差別就是,你會明顯感受到自己更有耐心。 並 ...

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Robert avatar
By Robert
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