03/12 Daily Horoscope - 獅子

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2022-03-12T00:05

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Like the powerful, agile jungle cat that is the symbol of your sign, you usual
ly land on your feet when you experience a metaphorical fall. Sometimes, thoug
h, you roll quite a few times before you do! People don't always understand th
e tumbles you take and the bruises you suffer emotionally, Leo, because you hi
de it all so well. Today, allow yourself to give someone the nurturing and car
ing that you need. There is nothing weak about it, and it will allow you to in
teract with someone who really does care. Soak up the attention. It will be qu
ite healing for both of you.



這份關注,對彼此都是一件很療癒的事 :)


如有誤譯還請指正 :)

Tags: 獅子

All Comments

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2022-03-11T15:54
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2022-03-12T16:15
weak about it. 翻成[那不代表軟弱]會比較好?


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2022-03-10T21:10
星座運勢2022 / 03 / 11(五)陰 今天生活中有討厭的流言或負面批評,建議體會自己的份量一笑置之就好。 感情方面對方會哪壺不開提哪壺,而影響彼此的心情。 幸運色是綠色。 - ...

03/10 Daily Horoscope

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2022-03-10T00:59
This is a reminder not to let anyone define for you what is possible and what is not possible. As a strong Leo who is determined and sometimes even stubbor ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2022-03-09T21:32
星座運勢2022 / 03 / 10(四)閃電打雷 今天會出現金錢問題,例如:被人殺價或預算短缺,因此需要有人幫你去爭取才行。 感情部分雙方相處的質量是關鍵,若沒有在乎彼此的約會,對方可能會抗議。 幸運色是綠色。 - ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2022-03-09T15:43
大家好 公司裡有位獅子座A型的女性,平常跟她相處很要好, 偶爾一起去吃飯購物之類的。 一月初一起吃飯時我告白了,她說很高興,但現在無法給出答案,因為她有男朋友@@ 吃飯時聊了2個小時,之後來到我家也聊了1個小時。 她說她對男友是一見鍾情,暗戀了一年終於透過友人交換聯絡方式,進而交往。 但是是遠距離,並且男方對 ...

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Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2022-03-08T21:59
Is someone going out of their way to irritate you today, Leo, or are you just in an easily irritated state of mind? It may be a little bit of both. But the ...