03/14 the daily horoscope - 雙子

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2022-03-13T11:19

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A dream is an empty thing until you breathe hope and life into it. Until then,
Gemini, it is just a fantasy. You may have spent a lot of time fantasizing ab
out a certain ideal, but that's all it will be until you begin to take it seri
ously and do something about it. You know this, of course, but there may be so
mething holding you back from trying. Once you can pinpoint what that is, you
can begin to turn that dream into a reality.







Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。

Tags: 雙子

All Comments

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2022-03-15T06:53


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2022-03-12T21:54
本人也是雙子女,近期跟雙子男聊只有一週。 今天早上都正常(?吧),傳了自己跟自己狗狗的合照,後來就都大概十分鐘左右才回, 因為平常都是會直接說「要去幹嘛」,後來我直接傳跟別人的對話截圖給雙男說:「我要 跟他出去 玩」,結果雙男整個下午人間蒸發,只說「不知道跟他有什麼好玩的」「你還有他不是? 」。 我直接了 ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2022-03-12T19:10
莫小棋2022年3月星座桃花運 http://www.stars12.com/2022/03/20223_590.html 裴恩2022年3月中下旬12星座需要注意的都在這裡 http://www.stars12.com/2022/03/2022312.html 勞倫一週星座運勢3/12-3/18 htt ...

2022/03/12-13 唐綺陽週末星座運勢

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2022-03-12T02:53
雙子座 晴 週末整理家務特別有效率,讓心情很愉快,另外也適合剪髮、去角質等,讓身體更清爽。 感情方面有機會與對方聊內心話,或是問出盤旋心中已久的疑問,勇敢一點可以解開心結 。 幸運色是咖啡色。 - ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2022-03-11T14:40
我的星座:魔羯女 提要: 與雙子女是在交友軟體上認識, 聊了不久後她主動跟我要instagram, 然後也約了出去、交換了line。 約出去的氛圍都很不錯, 交換了line之後雙子女也更密集的跟我開話題, 也會時不是丟個球, 例如我提到不錯的店時,她會回說「跟我去」、「下次帶我去」。 或是主動跟我報備行程 ...

03/12 the daily horoscope

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2022-03-11T08:27
You are a deep thinker, Gemini, and when you get stuck on a thought, it can be hard to escape it unless you resolve it. And right now, you may be stuck in ...