03/15 Daily Horoscope - 雙魚

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2020-03-14T23:48

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If you were standing outdoors on a very cold day, you might experience some
very uncomfortable conditions. Your teeth might chatter. You might shiver.
And the cold might go right through you chilling you to the bone. But if you
had the option of stepping back indoors and warming yourself up by a roaring
fire, that's just what you would do. Right, Pisces? Right now, you may be
enduring something that is very uncomfortable or undesirable. But there is a
way out, and it just requires the determination to treat yourself right.
Don't endure anything you don't have to endure.
到室內並透過熊熊的烈火讓自己感到溫暖,那就是你該做的。對吧? 雙魚們。現在你可能
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Tags: 雙魚

All Comments

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2020-03-15T17:37
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2020-03-18T01:22
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2020-03-22T04:26
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2020-03-25T00:00
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2020-03-26T13:17

3/14、15 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2020-03-14T09:02
今日運勢 2020/3/14、15 (六日) 晴 週末有任務要執行,也許是女性長輩交代你幫忙或採買,這種指派你反而做得很好,不妨視為自我挑戰。 感情方面跟對方不打不相識,過程應該滿有情趣。 幸運色是咖啡色。 來源: https://www.daily-zodiac.com/mobile/zodiac/ ...

03/14 Daily Horoscope

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2020-03-13T22:33
You donand#39;t always trust your intuition, Pisces. Thatand#39;s ironic since you are among one of the most intuitive signs of the zodiac. It comes so nat ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2020-03-13T19:21
我跟雙魚女已經交往快三年了,也打算今年年底結婚。 但是最近我覺得她已經跟我越來越遠,我跟她算是遠距離 因為工作的關係差不多要一個 半月至兩個月才能見一次面,她之前的工作算是正常班 所以我們兩個休息的時間都差不 多,每天都會照三餐問候睡覺前也要聊天聊個一個小時以上,但是自從她換工作以後,她 都要上班到一點左右 ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2020-03-13T17:00
很久沒有自主發文了, 先祝壽星們生日快樂! 生在 313 聽說會比較辛苦, 人生有比較多戲劇化發展。 但是既然活下來看到這噗, 辛苦了,你今年也很棒喔! 當走過那麼多光怪陸離的狗血劇情, 覺得每次崎嶇後都獲得更好的自己, 希望各位也能越來越好,生日快樂! - ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2020-03-13T13:24
耶今天我生日哦! 我只是想講這句台詞(?) 好啦其實這一年間風雨太多了, 有點感慨想趁機寫一下。 我原本是社工, 因為工作環境的關係, 我變得情緒化、暴躁, 本來的沒自信更變本加厲, 開始懷疑自己什麼都做不好。 等到我察覺的時候, 我已經從「有自殺意念」, 升級成「找尋自殺方法」了。 所以我去看了身心 ...