0315 Daily Horoscope - 水瓶

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2022-03-14T22:07

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Many people begin each day by checking on the weather report. They want to
know whether it will be sunny or rainy. Although this can be wise when it
comes to being prepared in terms of clothing and accessories like umbrellas,
there is sometimes more to it. When we hear that it's going to be chilly,
rainy, or overcast, it can subconsciously alter our expectations. We might
not expect a dreary day to hold positive potential. But it can. If you have
heard something undesirable about a matter you have to deal with today,
Aquarius, assume it will work out positively, anyway.


Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2022-03-18T22:46


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2022-03-14T20:37
寂多蔓生一週星座運勢3/14-3/20 http://www.stars12.com/2022/03/314-320_46.html 佩妮一週星座運勢3/14-3/20 http://www.stars12.com/2022/03/314-320_14.html 塔羅-你和他未來三個月的感情發展? htt ...

2022/03/15 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2022-03-14T20:08
水瓶座 陰 今天有利於從事國外的工作,譬如洽談貿易或出差都會很順利。感情方面建議雙方要聚少 離多,才會有小別勝新婚的感覺。 幸運色是黃色。 - ...

石井ゆかり 03月14日~03月20日の星模様

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2022-03-14T00:43
先週から、「愛と情熱の時間」に入った水瓶座の人々ですが、 かなり忙しい時間を過ごしているのではないかと思います。 たくさんの道具やリソースを手中にした上で、 それをどう活用するか、ということが一つの大きなテーマとなっています。 ただ、そのリソースの配分は、 数値的な計算だけでは決められない部分を多く含んでいる ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2022-03-13T18:29
TIM一週星座運勢3/13-3/19 http://www.stars12.com/2022/03/tim313-319.html 百變巫女一週星座運勢3/14-3/20 http://www.stars12.com/2022/03/314-320_3.html 靜電魚一週星座運勢3/14-3/20 ht ...

0314 Daily Horoscope

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2022-03-13T18:11
Even though you may feel very certain that you are proceeding in the right direction with a project that has been entrusted to you, it might be helpful to ...