0317 Daily Horoscope - 水瓶

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2022-03-16T19:37

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Someone in your life may be refusing your assistance, even though you are
certain they need it. They may be doing this out of pride, because they do
not want to feel obligated, or because they feel you already have too much on
your own plate. Whatever the reason, Aquarius, you may be determined to help,
anyway. But how? By simply expressing warmly that this is something you want
to do - something that will make you feel good - you may convince them.


Tags: 水瓶

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瑪法達星座運勢 03.16~03.22

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2022-03-16T19:00
星座排行 雙子座:出奇制勝、心願得遂、多喜臨門、運勢最奇。 兩週 射手座:大開大闔、險中求勝、風雲際會、風光最多。 處女座:莫測高深、志在必得、後來居上、後勢最佳。 獅子座:順勢而進、深謀遠慮、優勝劣敗、事業最強。 三週 https://www.mirrormedia.mg/story/20220315m ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2022-03-15T20:37
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0316 Daily Horoscope

Erin avatar
By Erin
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0315 Daily Horoscope

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By Thomas
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By Mary
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