04/03 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2017-04-02T22:56

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You may be stuck in a process and you can't seem to move forward. This may be
a personal creative project, and you may be experiencing the equivalent of
writer's block. You know what your goals are, but you don't know the best way
to get there, and so it's like you can't move forward. But to find your
inspiration once again, Moonchild, you may want to back up a bit. Go back to
the drawing board. Try starting the process over again from a new
perspective, and that may spur your creativity into action.

Tags: 巨蟹

All Comments

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2017-04-03T04:12
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2017-04-03T18:43
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2017-04-04T00:08


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2017-04-02T22:11
我的星座是:金牛 與對方的關係是:挽回中 [追求中 交往中 挽回中 暗戀中 ...等] 想請問大家的問題是: 大家好,幫友人詢問 友人金牛T,與巨蟹女在一起近四年 前陣子發現蟹女劈腿男生,所以向她攤牌 蟹女說自己對友人已經沒有感情,而且家庭壓力太大 不知道怎麼面對雙方的家人,所以提了分手(友人已 ...

04/02 Daily Horoscope

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2017-04-01T23:16
You are a very sentimental person, Moonchild. In fact, you may be the most sensitive and sentimental of all the signs. You long for the days gone by, and y ...

Alex是大叔 巨蟹座2017年4月運勢簡析

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2017-04-01T14:30
這個月你是非常有成就感的,原因在於三月份談的那些項目或是接到的一些任務,在四月 份就要開花結果了,而且成績還不錯,你的辛苦是有所回報的。對你來說最大的安慰就是 這個。四月份你依舊有許多可以外出旅行的機會,很可能是帶著任務前往,比如說要見老 朋友、出席朋友的婚禮,也包括他們小孩子的生日宴之類的,當然你也可 ...

04/01 Daily Horoscope

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2017-03-31T23:30
You may have lost your fire for a dream that has been part of you for a long time - perhaps since your childhood. This disillusionment may have crept up on ...

氧氣占星 巨蟹座2017年4月運勢

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2017-03-31T20:41
3號金星逆行退回你的9宮(儘管本月15號金星恢復順行,但仍然處在一種幾乎停滯的狀態 中,需要一些時間纔可以恢復正常的運行速度,也就是說下半月9宮領域仍然會存在一些 金逆遺留影響)將給你帶來和念舊相關的問題,也就是說幾乎整個四月你仍然處在一種和 過去相關的狀態中,包括忙著處理舊人舊事,容易觸景傷情回憶往昔 ...