04/24 the daily horoscope - 雙子

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2022-04-23T07:57

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Having something to look forward to is important to you, Gemini. Your mind is
always leaping from one thing to the next because you need to stay intellectua
lly stimulated. If you don't currently have an interesting or exciting plan to
look forward to, you might find yourself falling into a slump. If that's the
case for you now, this is a great day to start planning your next big adventur
e. The choice is yours to keep moving and to keep learning. Don't get stuck in
a groove that doesn't give your mind the chance to keep exploring.








Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。

Tags: 雙子

All Comments

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2022-04-25T12:51


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2022-04-22T23:02
【開創星座】 牡羊、巨蟹、天秤、魔羯 保有不強迫溝通 疏理情緒的空間 【固定星座】 金牛、獅子、天蠍、水瓶 擁有自己獨處的時光 放空充電 【變動星座】 雙子、處女、射手、雙魚 不想被限制 擁有行動自由與言論自由 唐綺陽談星室 精華|這個星座束縛不得!?12星座這部分不能被壓迫! https://tiny ...

2022/04/22 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2022-04-22T11:43
雙子座 雨 今天你以為與合作夥伴的目標一致,實際上行動卻不同,建議要把前置作業協調好。 感情部分彼此各忙各的,導致雙方無法約會。 幸運色是黑色。 - ...

04/23 the daily horoscope

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2022-04-22T08:09
You may not have been able to get the backing you needed to proceed with a pla n, but you do have other options. Just because someone has turned down your ...


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2022-04-21T20:35
占星小巫一週星座運勢4/22-4/28 http://www.stars12.com/2022/04/422-428.html 蘇米君2022金牛月備受寵愛的星座!運氣要來了! http://www.stars12.com/2022/04/2022_21.html 靈犀喬木2022年4月星座運勢 http ...

占星蛋炒飯 - 金牛月運勢

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2022-04-21T14:15
金牛月來囉! 這是個將心裡萌芽的想法 好好培育的起始點 穩定地一點一滴進步 最後會有很棒的收穫 也許不會太快看見成果 但辛苦的每滴汗水、每個心跳 以及每個堅持都沒有流失 時機成熟就會蹦出來囉! 當然, 沒有好好耕耘的人 現在不會有感覺 不過呢....以後就知道了! (以上為整體運勢,以下分享雙子座專屬 ...