0419 Daily Horoscope - 水瓶

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2022-04-18T10:33

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Something you recently wound up with after a long pursuit may not be what you
thought it would be. Because of this, Aquarius, you might automatically
assume that you didn't get what you want. But maybe you did, and the
differences are more like a bonus than a problem. Today, take some time to
evaluate where you are on this. Try to find the value in all of what you have
attained, because there is great value in it that you will not notice if you
jump to a negative conclusion.


Tags: 水瓶

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2022/04/18 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2022-04-17T12:07
水瓶座 晴時多雲 今天盡量找自己喜歡的事情做,否則容易因感覺不對就拒絕接受他人的提案。感情方面若 你是屬於花心的類型,最近可能會被公開,例如:三角浮上水面,自己要當心。 幸運色是金色。 Alex大叔本週水瓶座:魅力提升、吸引桃花。 - ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2022-04-16T22:55
TOP1:巨蟹座 TOP2:雙魚座 TOP3:水瓶座 水瓶座凡事都不喜歡和別人一樣,對於選擇另一半他們當然也有獨到眼光!小鳥依人又很 愛黏的女人對他們來說是最沒有吸引力的,在事業上擁有自己一番成就的女人對他們來說 特別有魅力,而且和她們在一起還可以督促自己變得更強大,甚至還能拓展自己的眼界, 何樂而不為呢 ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2022-04-16T21:00
我羊女 他瓶男 目前約出去兩次 過程都很自然 他也很會聊天 上次我生日 他送我當地的名產 我就覺得很可愛 再加上一些互動 讓我對他有好感 他也都會主動約我出去 或是說下次要帶我去哪裡 可是!! 他訊息真的超慢回 平常都是2-3小時回 還遇過9小時後才回 這樣讓我不知道他對我有沒有興趣 因為我個性算很 ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2022-04-16T20:23
小乖麻-這幾個星座天生好命,不需要刻意努力 http://www.stars12.com/2022/04/blog-post_2.html TIM一週星座運勢4/17-4/23 http://www.stars12.com/2022/04/tim417-423.html 勞倫一週星座運勢4/15-4/22 ...

0417 Daily Horoscope

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2022-04-16T12:11
Everyone knows that if you eat too much ice cream or indulge in other rich foods, you will start to gain weight. Wouldnand#39;t it be wonderful if the more ...