07/09~13/09/2020 Weekly Horoscope - 命運

By Megan
at 2020-09-07T22:46
at 2020-09-07T22:46
Table of Contents
Good fortune is the gift in your hands that is all wrapped up and ready
for you to open. But just opening it will not be enough, Moonchild, even
though it is meant for you, as indicated by the pretty tag on the bow! No,
you will have to tear through the pretty paper and assess what's inside.
Then you will have to figure out a strategy to take the gifts bestowed
upon you by the universe and make the most out of them. Only then will you
have in your hands the full power of those gifts you've been given. This
week, you will receive indications of what is to come, so start thinking
it through and figuring out what you can do to maximize your good fortune.
Also this week, a lucky break (or perhaps a piece of your destiny) will be
coming to you where romance is concerned. If your romantic life hasn't
been great recently, it is about to get a change in direction. Good things
are coming to this important part of your life. When the guest of honor
figures out that a surprise party is being planned, they may be filled
with either excitement or dread. That's a choice now. Something is
happening under the radar, and you can see it coming. Celebrate it and
look forward to it.
for you to open. But just opening it will not be enough, Moonchild, even
though it is meant for you, as indicated by the pretty tag on the bow! No,
you will have to tear through the pretty paper and assess what's inside.
Then you will have to figure out a strategy to take the gifts bestowed
upon you by the universe and make the most out of them. Only then will you
have in your hands the full power of those gifts you've been given. This
week, you will receive indications of what is to come, so start thinking
it through and figuring out what you can do to maximize your good fortune.
Also this week, a lucky break (or perhaps a piece of your destiny) will be
coming to you where romance is concerned. If your romantic life hasn't
been great recently, it is about to get a change in direction. Good things
are coming to this important part of your life. When the guest of honor
figures out that a surprise party is being planned, they may be filled
with either excitement or dread. That's a choice now. Something is
happening under the radar, and you can see it coming. Celebrate it and
look forward to it.
All Comments

By Carol
at 2020-09-11T09:39
at 2020-09-11T09:39

By Emma
at 2020-09-14T03:19
at 2020-09-14T03:19

By Caitlin
at 2020-09-14T04:34
at 2020-09-14T04:34

By Harry
at 2020-09-16T01:38
at 2020-09-16T01:38

By Ivy
at 2020-09-18T01:30
at 2020-09-18T01:30

By Dora
at 2020-09-18T20:31
at 2020-09-18T20:31

By Dora
at 2020-09-19T14:48
at 2020-09-19T14:48

By Margaret
at 2020-09-24T12:45
at 2020-09-24T12:45

By Catherine
at 2020-09-27T23:39
at 2020-09-27T23:39

By Olive
at 2020-10-02T00:29
at 2020-10-02T00:29

By Regina
at 2020-10-05T18:37
at 2020-10-05T18:37
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