07th May 2017 Daily&Love Horoscope - 水瓶

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2017-05-07T00:24

Table of Contents

Daily Horoscope

Money matters might seem disastrous today, Aquarius. You may have had a
temporary setback, but you're probably being especially pessimistic and not
seeing the whole picture. Sit down and try to juggle a few figures. You will
probably find that you're better off than it seemed at first. Whatever
expenses come up, you will be able to handle them. Focus on what needs to be
done and do it!

Love Horoscope

Don't worry if you feel in a serious mood and have promised to go out on a
date this evening. The energy of the day suggests that even though the whole
tone of the evening may be somber, this may not be such a bad thing. Don't
let your mood hinder you to go out and enjoy the evening. You both discover
that you have things you need to talk about, and find that confiding in each
other is very reassuring.


Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2017-05-10T11:21
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2017-05-13T07:27
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2017-05-17T04:17

06th May 2017 Daily&Love Horoscope

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2017-05-06T23:33
Daily Horoscope A phone call could inform you of difficulties at home that require that you deal with them right away, Aquarius. This is nothing to be ala ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2017-05-06T22:07
星座天氣:雨天 周末與身邊的朋友格格不入,因此要尋找新的興趣或開發新的族群。 感情方面雙方各忙各的,建議不要勉強在一起比較好。 幸運色是藍色。 -- 本週星座運勢 要注意工作上的突發事件很多,且都是很大的考驗,必須繃緊神經去應付; 此能量很強大,不成功便成仁,倘若成功則會是立大功。 - ...

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Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2017-05-06T15:21
「やったあ!できた!」と、 苦労して完成した作品を人に見せたところ 「すごい、こんなことをしてたんだね、知らなかった!」と 大いに驚かれるかもしれません。 「太好了!完成!」 給人看自己辛苦完成的作品時, 「好厲害哦!我都不知道你有在做這個」 或許對方會有這樣驚訝的反應。 別に隠していたわ ...

小乖麻 水瓶座2017年5月運勢

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2017-05-05T23:44
本月關鍵詞:現世安穩 在本月當中,你頗有種的苦盡甘來,時來運轉的感覺。這或許是你早已經歷過那樣一段低 迷困頓,需要痛苦的經驗來幫助你獲得成長的週期。現在你非常清楚自己需要什麼,應該 如何去做。即便在觸及到和心智、個性相關的領域,你亦會有大智若愚、安於現狀的表現 ,比較起那些所謂的宏圖偉業,你更期待的 ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2017-05-05T23:37
大家好: 第一次發問,希望文章不會詞不達意 本人:秤女 目前只是朋友,澳洲人。一開始其實滿常聊的,本來只是當朋友,但後來發現他越來越奇 怪(像是他本來很愛在我面前亂唱歌,後來就不敢,跟說話的時候變得認真還有點害羞的 感覺,而且我很常發現他會偷看我)問他以後,終於才說他覺得我很特別。 瓶男從來沒說個喜歡這個字眼 ...