08/23 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2017-08-22T23:36

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You could probably come up with a list of differences that exist between
you and a family member, or a person who is immersed in your social circle.
This may create a problem from time to time. Perhaps you two clash when you
are inevitably among the same group of people, or maybe there are times when
things this person says and does just gets under your skin. But instead of
creating that list of differences, Cancer, try to come up with a list of
similarities, common interests, and shared values. That would be a start to
making your co-existence more peaceful.

Tags: 巨蟹

All Comments

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2017-08-26T12:01
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2017-08-27T12:12
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-08-30T01:32
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2017-08-31T05:45
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2017-09-03T22:40

08/22 Daily Horoscope

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2017-08-22T00:21
You are very sensitive to the vibrations and aesthetics that surround you. You feel most comfortable in your own emotional zone. When the energy that circu ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2017-08-21T16:52
8.閃文要來了→ andlt;●_●andgt; ~記得配備墨鏡 自從另一半從男友13.2版進階到老公1.0版後 發現他怎麼會越來越貼心... 都快把他老婆變成無行為能力者了... 6月時一起買了健身房的會員~~ 兩人就會一起到健身房做訓練~ 因為他先前有跟著教練 ...

Alex是大叔 0821~0827 巨蟹座本週運勢

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2017-08-21T15:07
太陽或上升巨蟹座:堅持己見。從7月底開始你就對一些事情處於評估和反思階段,也或 者對自己的生活進入到一種需要整理、改變的時期,你們在這近一個月的時間裡想了很多 ,也的確在逐漸做出一些決定和改變,可現在你們卻遇到了一個難題,這個難題涉及到取 捨,雖然知道應該要放棄,但卻內心存在不捨以及諸多顧慮,這週你就會 ...

08/21 Daily Horoscope

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2017-08-21T00:03
Your time is coming, Moonchild. Yes, you read that correctly. The stars have a special surprise in store for you. What will it be? That canand#39;t be prec ...

2017/08/21 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2017-08-20T17:20
巨蟹座 晴 今天不要小看家人和朋友的意見,雖然他們很囉唆,但是他們對你是真心的。感情方面建 議要多參加聚會,有人會注意到你,未來可能會發展出戀情。 幸運色是卡其色。 享受連續五天晴天的背後是每天非常忙碌。 - ...