09/02/2019 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

By Tom
at 2019-02-09T01:04
at 2019-02-09T01:04
Table of Contents
You have been trying to do the best job you possibly can, but all the
while someone has been looking over your shoulder. Maybe they want to keep
checking your progress. Maybe they want to be sure you aren't doing
anything incorrectly. But you can't help but be ever-aware of this
person's presence. If this is happening to you now, Scorpio, you know you
can't do your best in this way. You need to speak up and be as candid as
possible about how you feel. It could be that this person is simply obtuse
about such matters.
while someone has been looking over your shoulder. Maybe they want to keep
checking your progress. Maybe they want to be sure you aren't doing
anything incorrectly. But you can't help but be ever-aware of this
person's presence. If this is happening to you now, Scorpio, you know you
can't do your best in this way. You need to speak up and be as candid as
possible about how you feel. It could be that this person is simply obtuse
about such matters.
All Comments

By Faithe
at 2019-02-11T10:04
at 2019-02-11T10:04

By Yuri
at 2019-02-15T09:50
at 2019-02-15T09:50

By Mary
at 2019-02-16T09:43
at 2019-02-16T09:43

By Susan
at 2019-02-20T06:08
at 2019-02-20T06:08

By Cara
at 2019-02-20T15:11
at 2019-02-20T15:11
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