09/02 魔 * 英文版綜論 * 羯 - 摩羯

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2013-09-02T23:57

Table of Contents


Overview 整體運勢

People are just too demanding today -- but there's not much you can do
about that. Try to just roll with the punches and do as much as you can,
but expect to be pretty tired by the end of the day.

人們只是要求太高了 -- 然而你能做的也不多。試著就從容地應對並盡你所能,


Love 愛情運

People are all telling stories about themselves or their friends today,
and you need to keep from buying into the hype. If it's all good fun,
then that's cool, but otherwise they might try to go too far.


Couples 情侶

Sweetie will be hard for you to understand -- and you might stick your
foot right in your mouth at some point. You'll be able to make up for it
pretty quickly, but you'll still need a day or two to get back on track.

戀人會變得讓你很難以理解 -- 而你可能會在某些時候不小心說錯了話。你能夠相

Singles 單身

You may have love on the brain today, but it looks like you're having
a more work- or career-oriented day. You need to do whatever you can
to get focus. Get a lot done now and earn playtime later!



Career 工作運

Everyone's human. Even the most professional among us occasionally shows
their flaws. Be prepared for the worst in business, then get prepared to




Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2013-09-04T23:00

有些話讓我好容易上鉤 >///<

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2013-09-02T23:50
不知道各位魔女會不會 因為特定的詞或是話而被勾走 今天有好感的對象 對我說出 有妳真好 聽到的時候一整個很雀躍 然後剛才叮嚀他要早點睡 他也說好 像是感受到自己是被需要的詞語 或是對方會把自己的話聽進去 一整個 就很中我的心 這樣好像太容易拐了 不知道其他魔女有沒有這樣 想問問大家~ (我魔女B型) - ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2013-09-02T20:44
在此先感謝小gray的詳細分析~~ 標題已經改成and#34;喜喜and#34;就表示我們已經... 關於眉毛我個人覺得普普通通,也沒有到濃的地步 http://www.freeimagehosting.net/r6v33 上次她最後問:那...你會覺得說我們現在的關係處於不上不下的階段嗎? 然後 ...

09/01 魔 * 英文版綜論 * 羯

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2013-09-01T23:48
http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/ Overview 整體運勢 Your heart belongs elsewhere. That could mean you need to leave work early, move to a new ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2013-09-01T12:32
搶鮮看!摩羯座2014年運勢   在2014年裡,摩羯座的朋友會迎來不錯的時機,運勢呈積極向上之勢,需要努力 把握,在新的一年裡迎來轉變良機。   摩羯座2014年幸運色、開運水晶飾品   摩羯座2014年幸運顏色為紅色、幸運水晶手鏈為碧璽+石榴石 摩羯座2014年事業運勢   2014年由於受到木 ...

08/31 魔 * 英文版綜論 * 羯

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2013-08-31T23:48
http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/ Overview 整體運勢 You can get pretty intense sometimes, and today is no exception. Things are looking good, ...