10/03 瓶兒運勢綜論 - 水瓶

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2016-10-03T00:07

Table of Contents


Your old ways of thinking have carried you quite far, Aquarius, but you may
now find that it's time to seek a new platform for your ideas. Look for more
adventurous ways to express yourself. Break out of the old mold and try
something new. Once you start in a brand new direction, there will be a great
deal of support encouraging you to continue along that way.



Your optimistic outlook has never let you down before, and it certainly won't
let you down today! As long as you take care when dealing with others who
aren't quite as sunny as you are, you should get just about anything you want
-- from anyone you're dealing with. Seeing the bright side of life is not
only useful for you, it is also very attractive. Someone you are interested
in loves the fact that you always see the glass as being half full -- and
they want to know your secret.

當你跟那些不像你一樣快活的人相處時, 只要你小心,

如果你的第一反應是The glass is half full,說明你是樂觀主義者。
如果你的第一反應是The glass is half empty,說明你是個悲觀主義者。

A change of direction makes it hard for you to know who you can trust and you
may find yourself accusing close ones of things they have not done. Geminis
link to a lie you must uncover financially. Ring so I can tell you why I’m
so very proud of you.


(我確定最後這句ring ... 應該是廣告用語了 之後我就跳過不翻了)

Monday Oct 3 2016

You may be ready to rush into a new opportunity because you fear that if you
don't, someone else will get there before you do. However, Aquarius, if you
don't first build a foundation for a new venture you won't be as secure as
you should be. Take some time to ensure that you have confidence in what
you're doing and that you know what potential flaws or problems you might
face. In the process of exploration, you will also figure out if this
endeavor is the right one for you.



才禮拜一 我就在想著國慶連假啦

Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2016-10-05T18:12
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2016-10-07T00:44
me too , 國慶連假
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2016-10-07T11:46
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2016-10-09T05:27
義) XD
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2016-10-13T22:45
今天面試 要樂觀!

天秤男 與 水瓶女 的相處

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2016-10-02T19:26
水瓶座的各位大家好, 我是 10/10 AB 天秤男 最近認識一位水瓶女 對她的感覺該怎麼說呢, 借用她的說法是一拍即合 我很明確的對她表達自己的喜歡, 她也說自己是喜歡我的 我們每天晚上會通大約 2 個小時左右的電話 平時也會用訊息打鬧一下對方 但在兩天前, 她的態度明顯轉變了, 訊息回覆頻 ...

石井ゆかり 10月03日~10月09日の星模様

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2016-10-02T13:48
https://goo.gl/q0LYpR もう世界の果てまで来てしまったかもしれない と思って、自分の現在地をたしかめたら 世界は思っていたよりも何百倍も広くて ここまで移動した距離など、 ホンの誤差のようなものに過ぎないとわかった。 覺得似乎已經來到世界盡頭的時候, 確認了自己的所在才發現, 世界比自 ...

10/02 瓶兒運勢綜論

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2016-10-01T23:54
http://www.astrocenter.com/us/horoscope-daily.aspx?When=1andamp;ZSign=10andamp;Af=0 A strong attraction to someone could take you by surprise today, Aquar ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2016-10-01T23:42
原po射手座 認識一個比我小3歲的水瓶 本來沒有想過會跟她在一起 結果他問我要不要在一起 我們就在一起了 是遠距離 漸漸我也真的喜歡上他 我是金星天蠍,非常自虐也虐別人 愛你愛到為對方幹嘛都可以 我們常常因為非常小的事情吵架 但馬上就和好的那種 沒有什麼吵架很深 感覺問題居多 他總是說他真的很愛我 要幹 ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2016-10-01T13:11
我的星座或生日:0214 有種我是情人寶寶我驕傲的感覺...... 不是不能沒有妳 而是 有了妳使我更有方向 我做事不規劃 但清楚的知道這段時間我要到什麼程度 我以為一切都會順順的完成我的人生規劃 因為工作的關係, 我的各個弱點不足ㄧㄧ的暴露出來 這時候遇到的妳 ㄧㄧ點醒罵醒唸醒 我們其實跟對方都不是很 ...