10/16 the daily horoscope - 雙子

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2021-10-15T12:00

Table of Contents

Someone may have extended an invitation or included you in something, but they
now seem rather unwelcoming. It's like seeing a "welcome" sign on a doormat,
only to have the door slammed in your face when you ring the doorbell. It's co
nfusing, Gemini. But whatever happens with this, do not take it personally, fo
r there is surely some reason for it that has nothing to do with the kind of p
erson you are - such as jealousy, or something going wrong in that person's li
fe. Just find an alternative plan and enjoy yourself. Living well really is th
e best revenge.





事出必有因,但是那跟你的性格無關 — 像是嫉妒 、或是那個人的生活出了什麼問題。




Tags: 雙子

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10/15 the daily horoscope

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2021-10-14T10:14
The fountain of youth is not found in some magical elixir that is spraying out of the magical fountain. It is found internally in your attitude and your o ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2021-10-13T20:06
吉特一週星座運勢10/11-10/17 http://www.stars12.com/2021/10/1011-1017_45.html 帕特里克一週星座愛情運勢10/11-10/17 http://www.stars12.com/2021/10/1011-1017_20.html 馬喬麗一週星座運勢10 ...

10/14 the daily horoscope

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2021-10-13T08:01
There can be a wide span between deprivation and self-indulgence. You may be v acillating between the two extremes now in some area of your life, Gemini. Y ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2021-10-12T18:35
鬧鬧女巫一週星座運勢10/11-10/17 http://www.stars12.com/2021/10/1011-1017_92.html 道不精一週星座運勢10/11-10/17 http://www.stars12.com/2021/10/1011-1017_12.html Georgia一週星座運 ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2021-10-12T13:39
好讀網頁版:https://lihi1.com/750mF 今年最早開啟逆行長期星象的冥王星,這幾天已經回復正行了。 不想面對的事情,也該來面對了。 冥王4月逆行、土星5月逆行、木星海王星6月逆行、天王8月逆行、9月水星逆行,10月7日 到18日間,冥土木水這四顆陸續開始回正,長達兩季的卡關、停滯感,也開 ...