10/19 the daily horoscope - 雙子

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2021-10-18T15:01

Table of Contents

There is good energy surrounding you now, Gemini, and if you can't feel it, yo
u aren't paying enough attention. If you are focused on something that's wrong
, on a fear or a worry, or on some boring and dreary task you have to complete
, then pull yourself up and out of the doldrums and tap into the positive - it
is there for the taking. Once you do, you will begin to notice opportunities
and interesting people who you might have otherwise missed. Sometimes it reall
y is that simple!





那麼將你自己從低迷中拉出來,注入正面的能量 —




Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。

Tags: 雙子

All Comments

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2021-10-18T16:36
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2021-10-18T18:12
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2021-10-18T19:48

Alex是大叔 10/18~10/24 雙子座本週運

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2021-10-18T08:43
太陽或上升雙子座:這週你的守護星水星將結束逆行,終於狀態要開始好轉了,隨著水逆 結束,本週社交類的事情會增加,而且你也會主動邀約朋友見面,不如在上半週的時候就 落實一些約定和見面,以及本週也同樣非常適合去談合作,談機會——如果你希望跟某個 人建立聯絡,那麼這週會有好訊息,而且這週也適合去面試新的工作,或者拓展 ...

10/18 the daily horoscope

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2021-10-17T10:25
It is easy to be hopeful when your life is going well. When you donand#39;t have to worry about issues, bills, tough relationships, or your job, and so on, ...

10/17 the daily horoscope

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2021-10-16T12:55
You may be trying to make a persuasive argument to someone now, Gemini. You ma y be going all out to prove your point. But if you find that you are not get ...

10/16 the daily horoscope

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2021-10-15T12:00
Someone may have extended an invitation or included you in something, but they now seem rather unwelcoming. Itand#39;s like seeing a and#34;welcomeand#34; ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2021-10-15T10:40
大家好 最近喜歡上一個女生 但這個女生總說雙子座花心 雙面 但我不是這樣的人 但她防備心還是很重 隔幾天又看到FB看有朋友在罵雙子座 雙子座真的有那麼慘嗎....? 大家在生活中會有類似的狀況嗎? - ...