10/2 星座運勢 - 獅子

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2018-10-01T22:00

Table of Contents

Daily 日常

Right now, you need to ensure that the line between your professional and pers
onal lives is clear. Your emotions are strong, and a sad story may motivate yo
u to take on an unwise strategy. You have a wonderful sense of compassion, but
it can set you back more than you realize. Being impersonal or objective does
n't mean the same thing as being unfriendly or rude. You can still be polite a
nd even kind -- but try to extricate yourself from anything that could get mes


Work 工作
Be proactive instead of waiting for a fire to be lit under you. That's why it'
s a good time to check in with peers and subordinates. Stick to your guns -- y
our instincts have more influence over you than the most persuasive of colleag


Singles Love 愛情

Your reputation precedes you today -- and that's just fine. In fact, so many p
eople are talking you up that you might as well work it to your advantage. Wit
h all the great news coming in, someone special is certain to notice.



Tags: 獅子

All Comments

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2018-10-02T21:26

10/2 Daily Horoscope

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2018-10-01T21:13
If you were to paint a room to brighten it up and make it more enjoyable, picking out the shade of paint you want would probably be the easiest part of the ...

Re: 面對冷處理的獅男,我該怎麼做

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2018-10-01T19:43
原PO妳好,看著妳的文字敘述到妳的穿著風格,想必你一定是對自己具有一定的自信吧, 下面我會藉由妳的敘述,慢慢分析給妳聽,若妳有興趣的話,請繼續往下看 ※ 引述《holalili (莉莉)》之銘言: : 大家好 : 事情是這樣的 : 我天秤女跟獅男交往約兩個月 : 我們是在他上班的地方認識的 ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2018-10-01T19:15
跟獅男在一年多前分手 中間也都斷斷續續聯絡但沒見面 最近他又突然聯絡我 但都提一些無關緊要的事 或是跟你說什麼好吃 但約他說高冷要考慮 覺得他好難搞 抱歉了~獅子的大家 我們之前有一起畫一幅油畫 當時帶不走就留在他那邊 一直很想拿回來 但是他死不肯 好說歹說都不要 想問我要怎麼做才可以拿回來 謝謝大家了 - ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2018-10-01T17:17
大家好 事情是這樣的 我天秤女跟獅男交往約兩個月 我們是在他上班的地方認識的 我的工作是髮型設計師 因為我的穿衣風格是比較大膽的 交往之後他相當不喜歡我穿的太裸露 而且最近生活上很常遇到怪咖 以至於他更加確定是我服裝的關係 希望我穿著長褲... 雖然我個人是滿不以為意的 但是基於他是為我好的立場 我還是有稍 ...

10/1~10/7 Weekly Horoscope

Una avatar
By Una
at 2018-10-01T10:06
A problem that has been befuddling to a group of people you know may be easily understandable and navigable to you, Leo. This probably wonand#39;t surprise ...