11/27 DailyHoroscope - 獅子

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2018-11-26T18:53

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You may be considering a new purchase or a new involvement of some kind becaus
e it seems glitzy and glamorous and oh-so-exciting on the surface. But be very
careful before you jump in, Leo, as there could be much more to it than you c
an see. You are someone who sometimes gets swept away by your passions, your e
motions, and those opportunities that seem dazzling and intriguing, but playin
g it safe will have advantages right now. If you do explore this more thorough
ly, you may still choose to move forward - but you will do so from a stronger



如果你更徹底地深入這個問題,你仍然可以選擇向前走- 但你會從更強勢的位置做到這


Tags: 獅子

All Comments

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2018-11-29T16:42
正想要來大買東西XD 冷靜冷靜
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2018-12-02T17:45
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2018-12-06T02:33

Alex是大叔 11/26~12/02 獅子座本週運勢

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2018-11-26T09:05
太陽或上升獅子座:你可能已經給別人留下深刻的印象了。上週水星跟火星有一個激烈的 角度,但你可能敢說敢做,或者個性十分直率坦誠,可能有些人已經在默默的注視你了, 當然這可能會很快給你帶來一個工作機會,也或者是有人會開始追求你——這週水火四分 依舊持續,但我卻依舊要提醒你謹言慎行,畢竟不是那麽多人喜歡過於直 ...

11/26-12/2 weekly horoscope

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2018-11-25T21:33
At the beginning of the week, Leo, you may find yourself on one extreme side o f an argument, while someone you love is on the other extreme of that argume ...

獅女把我當男閨蜜 or 有好感的異性?

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2018-11-25T13:52
不管你是不是不服氣,問誰…… ※ 引述《CPKkiller (仲間由紀惠)》之銘言: : : : 我真的很想知道 , 這這子下去我還有沒有機會 ? 沒! 沒! 沒! 全世界的男人都死光,也未必輪到你。 可能她需要傾訴時你在脫褲子,她需要關懷時你在摸她手,可能她期待你時你無動於衷。 我不知道你在什麼 ...

11/26 DailyHoroscope

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2018-11-25T13:45
Some people are better at communicating than others. It isnand#39;t just the words t hey choose to say, it is also in their flair, presentation, and charis ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2018-11-25T13:45
11月初,和交往一年多的獅女分手了 我們之間沒有第三者,沒有爭吵,讓我們分離的,是女方家庭的不諒解 因為我們認識之後,才知道我們的生肖相同,卻相距有12年的光景 交往3個月後她和家人透漏了我的存在,對方家庭開始了強烈反彈.. 我們從相識開始,我就決定她是我牽著手走一輩子的對象. 她雖然 ...