11/29 DailyHoroscope - 獅子

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2018-11-28T16:33

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If you are not completely forthright or transparent in expressing something yo
u need to say, Leo, you could easily create the wrong message. And if you don'
t get your point across correctly, you could become very frustrated when the o
ther party misunderstands - or worse, takes steps based on that misunderstandi
ng. So, Leo, if you have something important to say to someone, own it. Say it
loud and clear, and don't leave anything out or keep anything obscured. Embra
ce your truth.


如果你不知道這點,當對方誤解時你會變得非常沮喪 - 或者更糟糕的是,根據誤會採



Tags: 獅子

All Comments

David avatar
By David
at 2018-12-02T16:22
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2018-12-03T20:13
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2018-12-07T08:45


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2018-11-27T17:33
突然想起最近看到好像有其中兩篇獅子板的文章,都問到為什麼本來聊的好好的,結果卻 突然變冷淡了 現實聊都還不錯,但在網路聊天軟體卻都愛理不理,我想是因為從平常的對話跟相處之間 ,突然發現原來這個人跟自己的想法、原則、個性...等相左 為了大局著想,表面上還是會笑笑的,但有些東西不是講開了,就可以解決和好如初 ...

11/27 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2018-11-27T07:19
今日運勢 2018 / 11 / 27 (二) 晴 今天有不錯的合作運,對方很看重你的能力與潛力,倘若需要你做一點改變,不妨大膽接 受,相信對你來說是好事一樁。 感情方面你喜歡的人也喜歡你,建議要有自信並主動積極一點比較好。 幸運色是白色。 來源:https://apps.facebook.com/d ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2018-11-26T22:35
家人重要 你可以親自拜訪她的父母親 說明對未來的想法與規劃 釐清父母親在意之處,才能強化在一起的動力 祝福你(加油) 引述《bencheming (斑鳩明)》之銘言: : 11月初,和交往一年多的獅女分手了 : 我們之間沒有第三者,沒有爭吵,讓我們分離的,是女方家庭的不諒解 : 因為 ...

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Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2018-11-26T22:08
This may be a month that will be significant for your ability to turn lemons i nto lemonade. Donand#39;t get nervous about that, Leo, because this will tur ...

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Suhail Hany avatar
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