12/16 the daily horoscope - 雙子

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2021-12-15T14:36

Table of Contents

Has some event or challenge in your life turned out better than you thought it
would? If so, Gemini, you need to try to see this as a milestone. The way thi
s can be an important moment for you is this: You need to recognize that thing
s turned out better than you thought, give yourself credit for persevering, an
d write this down in your memory as a moment when everything turned out all ri
ght even though you thought it wouldn't. Let this bring you hope whenever a ch
allenge or problem arises in the future.



這個方法對你來說是重要的時刻: 你需要去承認事情轉變得比你想像中的還要好,




Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。

Tags: 雙子

All Comments

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2021-12-16T22:37
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2021-12-18T06:38
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2021-12-19T14:39

12/15 the daily horoscope

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2021-12-14T07:38
It is easy to fall into the trap of negative thinking. One thing goes wrong, then another. Then someone says something to you that has hurtful or insulting ...

Alex是大叔 12/13~12/19 雙子座本週運

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2021-12-13T08:44
太陽或上升雙子座:本週你的星座迎來了一次滿月,這是幫你清理垃圾,告別過去的好時 機,你可能現在也是處於這種狀態和情緒之中,期待新的開始,同時正在處理懸而未決的 事情,保持你的動力,因為這週會有很多進步。滿月期間,非單身者要注意情感穩定,因 為火星也會來到新的位置,容易製造火藥味,或者妒忌,猜疑,吃醋的情緒。你 ...

12/14 the daily horoscope

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2021-12-13T07:38
Knowing what you want is often the first step to getting what you want. But not always. Sometimes it is best to go into a situation being willing to explor ...


David avatar
By David
at 2021-12-12T14:38
第三名 雙子座 機靈頭腦口才了得 熱衷的人事物 不吝嗇地展現喜愛 第二名 射手座 及時行樂為人生信仰 努力追求愛人達成目標 第一名 牡羊座 行動力100% 心裡想要就去追求 簡單直白 唐綺陽談星室 精華|這個星座最熱情追愛! 王彩樺自己化做暖被追老公! https://tinyurl.com/mrx9k ...

12/13 the daily horoscope

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2021-12-12T11:05
Someone may be trying to goad you into doing something you donand#39;t want to do, on the premise that it is for the greater good. In other words, Gemini, ...