13/07/2021Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2021-07-12T23:03

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You may have decided that today is the day you will come to a conclusion on an
offer or an opportunity that you are considering. But maybe this is just the
beginning of the process, Moonchild. Maybe this is the time to think about a n
ew area of options, rather than to limit yourself to the few that have already
been presented. They may still be within the same realm and very good for you
, but you may not have accessed them yet. Don't be limited. Keep thinking of o
ther possibilities, and you will find the perfect one.


Tags: 巨蟹

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12/07~18/07/2021 Weekly Horoscope

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2021-07-12T22:53
At the very beginning of this week, Moonchild, you might already find yourself feeling exhausted. It probably isnand#39;t because you had so much fun you ...

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Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2021-07-12T19:53
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Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2021-07-12T08:49
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Carolina Franco avatar
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Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2021-07-11T17:13
巨蟹座 晴 今天工作認真負責的一面會被放大關注,若此時有好表現,也容易被長官欣賞、有被提拔 的機會。感情方面比平常更重視自己的外表和氣質呈現,也能從中得到自信、增加在人群 中出類拔萃的機會。 幸運色是黃色。 Alex大叔本週巨蟹座:不願妥協、原地僵持。 - ...