2/8 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

By Charlie
at 2015-02-07T20:59
at 2015-02-07T20:59
Table of Contents
Capricorn horoscope for Feb 8 2015
You may be feeling upset that you made a commitment or accepted an invitation
that you now wish you had turned down. Because you are so loyal and trustworth
y though, your plan is probably to follow through with it. However, Capricorn,
if this obligation is standing in the way of something important, or you feel
it will have a negative impact on you in some way, then don't hesitate to spe
ak your mind. It is most likely that you will be met with understanding, and y
ou can make it up in some other way.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://frtns.com/dh
Sent from my Android
You may be feeling upset that you made a commitment or accepted an invitation
that you now wish you had turned down. Because you are so loyal and trustworth
y though, your plan is probably to follow through with it. However, Capricorn,
if this obligation is standing in the way of something important, or you feel
it will have a negative impact on you in some way, then don't hesitate to spe
ak your mind. It is most likely that you will be met with understanding, and y
ou can make it up in some other way.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://frtns.com/dh
Sent from my Android
All Comments

By Lauren
at 2015-02-08T18:37
at 2015-02-08T18:37

By Thomas
at 2015-02-09T07:56
at 2015-02-09T07:56

By Yedda
at 2015-02-12T03:45
at 2015-02-12T03:45

By Damian
at 2015-02-15T01:21
at 2015-02-15T01:21

By Kelly
at 2015-02-16T15:25
at 2015-02-16T15:25

By Oliver
at 2015-02-21T07:19
at 2015-02-21T07:19

By Freda
at 2015-02-22T20:26
at 2015-02-22T20:26
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(因為先前有小爭吵 andlt;他好像滿在意andgt;)
回應的時間稍微長了一點,我� ...