2017/01/05(四)Comitic每日運勢 - 牡羊

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2017-01-04T22:12

Table of Contents

Thursday Jan 5 2017

It may feel as though you are being held back by some force you cannot see.
It may seem like no matter how hard you try, you can't get what you want or
live the life you aspire to. But for right now, Aries, this is part of the
plan. The restrictions you face now and the invisible barriers that seem to
hold you back are in place for a good purpose. They are setting it up so
that, at just the right moment, everything will fall into place to bring you
what you want and need. Be hopeful!!




Tags: 牡羊

All Comments

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2017-01-07T16:49
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2017-01-11T19:22


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2017-01-04T17:22
各位牡羊座的朋友們大家好 初次來羊版不知道文章分類有沒有選錯 今天來的原因有點小悲傷 我前陣子和交往四年多的男友分手了 雖然我們都不是牡羊座 但去泰國買生日杯時三個才有打折哈哈 所以就買了交往紀念日4/10的生日杯 平常都過得滿好的 真的要打這段文字的時候默默覺得想哭 不過人總是要往前走的 希望有4/1 ...

羊兒每週運勢 01/02~01/08

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2017-01-04T15:56
https://goo.gl/KxWKvY Astrology.com The preparations have been made. The pans are greased. The stove is fired up. Itand#39;s time to do your thing. You m ...

01/04 羊兒運勢綜論

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2017-01-04T10:46
https://goo.gl/3oC69u Astrology.com When it comes to a sign as outgoing and personable as yours, itand#39;s easy to see how staying at home might not be ...


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2017-01-04T08:38
自己是牛女, 前陣子經朋友介紹一位羊男。 覺得他很不錯,一開始熱烈的聊天,最近就只剩我在開話題了。 上來查一下,覺得羊男應該對我沒興趣。 我想追他,又不想像騷擾。 可是開的話題,好像引不起他的興趣。都是閒聊。 所以想上來求助一下,我們是台中跟桃園, 還沒見過面。這樣的情況之下,要保持什麼樣聊天的頻率才好呢 ...


David avatar
By David
at 2017-01-03T21:22
Wednesday Jan 4 2017 It may seem as though the last year just flew by, Aries, and you may be taking stock of what you accomplished and what you missed ou ...