2021/10月 Monthly Horoscope - 巨蟹

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2021-10-05T08:42

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親愛的月之子,這整整的 10 月份,你的生活會多個方面強調團隊合作。





Teamwork is emphasized for you throughout October in multiple areas of your li
fe, dear Moonchild. At work or at school, you may find yourself working closel
y with others to brainstorm ideas or to form the foundation for a common goal.
You may also choose to work in partnership with a loved one or a friend towar
d manifesting something you both want. There may be many instances this month
where you will see the amazing value in joining forces to get something done.
As someone who frequently prefers to remain solitary, this can be an enlighten
ing experience. And even though you may find yourself working harder than usua
l, there will be a dreamy quality about your days. You are not afraid to aim h
igh, and even though some of your aspirations have not been fulfilled in the p
ast, you may start to see a higher level of success in the days and weeks ahea
d. This is a great time to refine your schedule so you can find more time to d
o the things you want to do, for your mind is a bit more organized right now.
If you can create a plan and work it in年to your routine, you may find yoursel
f to be more productive. Compliments will be coming your way later in the mont
h for something you completed some time ago and possibly haven't been thinking
about very much lately. Let this be your inspiration for trying something sim
ilar that you have been considering.


Tags: 巨蟹

All Comments

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2021-10-06T17:08

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Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2021-10-05T08:18
我們生活的時代和環境發生了變化,但人-在他們的核心-並沒有真正改變。 無論周圍的事情如何變化,誠實和正直的人將永遠擁有這一點。 然而,有時候我們看到周圍世界發生的事情讓我們感到悲傷、不快樂或害怕時,我們會假 設人們不像很久以前那樣好。 但實際上,有時事情只是揭示了已經存在的東西。 如果你最近從你欽佩的人身 ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2021-10-05T00:02
※ [本文轉錄自 Mind 看板 #1XMoGdHK ] 作者: r5252 (邱于玥心靈塔羅) 看板: Mind 標題: [塔羅] 于玥命理/週運勢(10/4-10/10) 時間: Mon Oct 4 23:56:18 2021 新月天秤即將來臨,意味著對我們將重新檢視何謂合作關係、共好共同分享所擁 ...

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Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2021-10-04T20:55
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Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2021-10-04T19:16
你可能確信,你從未得到過,但肯定是當之無愧的讚譽卻永遠不會到來。那可能是真的, 月之子。 有時候,我們將最好的東西傾注於從未取得成功的努力中。但這並不意味著你不能在其他 地方嘗試。 更重要的是,有時我們會以一種間接的方式獲得遲來很久的獎勵,而我們並沒有想到獎勵 是很久以前付出的努力。 本週,你可能會開始看 ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2021-10-04T18:45
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