26/09 Scorpio horoscope - 天蠍

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2021-09-26T02:53

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Scorpio horoscope for 星期日 9月 26

You often avoid getting to know new people too deeply. That's not because you
are shy or inhibited. It's because you don't relish the idea of sharing aspect
s of yourself with a stranger or having to avoid personal questions. You treas
ure your privacy, Scorpio, and sometimes you protect it to an extreme. Althoug
h this might not make much of a difference a lot of the time, there are experi
ences where you do miss out. When an upcoming situation presents someone new t
o you, be willing to share some of yourself. You don't have to reveal your dee
pest secrets, but try to achieve a comfortable familiarity.


Tags: 天蠍

All Comments

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2021-09-27T01:14
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2021-09-27T23:35
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2021-09-27T02:38
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2021-09-28T01:00

25/09 Daily Horoscope

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2021-09-25T02:38
Scorpio horoscope for 星期六 9月 25 An electric fence keeps a dog in its yard by sending an electrical shock to th e dogand#39;s collar when the dog gets too ...

唐綺陽 2021/09/24(五)陰

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2021-09-24T07:44
2021 / 09 / 24 (五) 陰 今天好好執行上面給你的任務,對你來說時間都不是自己的,而是工作,但這樣的你很有 長輩緣,並不是損失。 感情方面能突顯彼此能否體諒,在你忙碌時他是否體諒你,會成為你評分的標準。 幸運色是綠色。 - ...

24/09 Daily Horoscope

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2021-09-24T04:05
Changes may be occurring now at work or in some established part of your life, and you may not be happy with the way things are going. Because of that, Sc ...

唐綺陽 2021/09/23(四)晴時多雲

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2021-09-23T07:41
2021 / 09 / 23 (四) 晴時多雲 今天凡事要停看聽,只要沉得住氣,事情就會不攻自破。 感情方面雖然沒有時間約會,但是關心對方的心意還是要讓他知道才行。 幸運色是黃色。 - ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2021-09-23T04:08
其實早就不記得多久了 也知道你早已不是當年的你 不知不覺 分開的時間已經超越在一起的日子 然而看著創作故事 描述追求相戀,到成家之後的劇情 細膩地描述了兩人的相處 無論是交往前的嬉笑打鬧 或是家人一般的溫馨相處 說著不重要的閒話調侃 都讓我想起與你一同的時光 你現在幸福嗎? :) - ...