28/11/2020 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2020-11-28T23:11

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Our own perceptions of the strength of our talents or skills is a powerful
thing. Not only can a lack of confidence hurt you by causing you to hold
back from trying something, but by not seeing your skills and talents
realistically, you won't put your all into it. But we are all capable of
learning. Don't allow your idea of how well you do something to stop you
today. If you give yourself a real chance today, Scorpio, you may
discover that you are much better than you ever realized. Bet on yourself!



Tags: 天蠍

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Gary avatar
By Gary
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This can be an excellent and very productive day for you if you start out organized. This isnand#39;t usually a problem for you, Scorpio, but you may have ...

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Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2020-11-25T08:06
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Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2020-11-25T00:34
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Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
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