3/8 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2019-03-07T22:29

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A challenge or conflict that involves someone you love might be causing you
to feel overwhelmed. It may feel as though you have been dropped in the ocean
without a life vest, and you are treading water to survive. But picturing
yourself as helpless will only add to your sense of being out of control, and
you are far from helpless. You may desire a specific outcome to this, but no
outcome can destroy you. You need to trust in the belief that this will turn
out in the right way, even if it doesn't match what you were hoping for,

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Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2019-03-11T03:48
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2019-03-13T07:52
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2019-03-15T11:43
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2019-03-20T02:33
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2019-03-22T06:09
今天很崩潰 tt
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2019-03-26T06:40
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2019-03-27T14:31


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2019-03-07T22:01
更新一下進度 已經跟魔羯女告白了。 我就問她有任何想法嗎,她說太突然不知道要怎麼反應 然後我就在問,還是要再想想 她就回 : 窩 所以當天她沒有說好,也沒拒絕 之後有一天,送她回家,我就想說試著牽手,牽了一下,她就轉過頭說有人准你可以牽我手嗎? (但不是兇兇的說),手也沒有掙脫,就這樣牽到家門口。 回到家後 ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2019-03-07T14:10
前幾天聽到居然看自己的生肖還有農曆生日可以看自己屬於哪種骨XD! 興奮的去查了一下,發現自己是鼠骨QQ 描述大概內容好像就是擔心很多然後一事無成QQ 難怪家魔都說我是廢物女友QQ 覺得很有趣就查了一下家魔的發現他是蛇骨,難怪他做事情都很急,跟印象中慢條斯理的魔魔不太一樣( 很好奇魔魔有沒有兔骨的XD 聽說 ...

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There may be a lot of red tape to deal with before you can begin a new project. The problem may be that you need to get started right away, or you could fa ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2019-03-06T05:28
是因為有太多煩惱,抑或是看到FB回顧? 又讓我想起2012到2014年的過去發生的一切 經過這麼多年,偶然看到這些人生中的過程 不免心中還是會有揪心的感覺,使我無法入眠 當年發生的一切我並不後悔,只覺得很遺憾 如果當時讓我再選擇一次,我還是會接受吧 只是無病呻吟加上自己想太多的個性 縱使釋懷了, ...

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