6/12英文運勢 - 水瓶

By Odelette
at 2017-06-11T14:21
at 2017-06-11T14:21
Table of Contents
You may be thinking about turning down a gift, an offer, or an invitation beca
use of the person who delivers it to you. That might be a big mistake, Aquariu
s. You may associate this blessing - and that's exactly what it is - with some
one you don't like or respect, or who you don't want to associate with for som
e reason. But you can't mix the two up, and in fact, you may be mistaken about
the messenger anyway. If this looks and feels like it could be good for you,
then by all means accept this blessing. You will soon discover that it was the
right thing to do.
use of the person who delivers it to you. That might be a big mistake, Aquariu
s. You may associate this blessing - and that's exactly what it is - with some
one you don't like or respect, or who you don't want to associate with for som
e reason. But you can't mix the two up, and in fact, you may be mistaken about
the messenger anyway. If this looks and feels like it could be good for you,
then by all means accept this blessing. You will soon discover that it was the
right thing to do.
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