6/13英文運勢 - 水瓶

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2017-06-12T22:09

Table of Contents

You would love it if a certain person would just trust your judgment without q
uestioning it. That way you could proceed with a plan in a more carefree way.
Plus you would have the satisfaction of knowing that your leadership skills ar
e intact. But don't spite yourself, Aquarius. If you don't receive uncondition
al support, you need to recognize that it has nothing to do with you personall
y, but with the other person's own insecurities or fears. Present your plan in
the spirit of camaraderie, and you'll be more likely to gain the support you
want and need.


Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2017-06-14T05:27


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2017-06-12T10:02
※ 引述《chen00 (Cye)》之銘言: : 你們好 : 我是羊男 : 和瓶女和平分手已經半年 : 看了版上的幾篇文章 : 都有提到 : 想要挽回的話 : 瞭解分手的主因是很重要的 : 所以想請問各位 : 我該去把主因問清楚嗎 : ----- : Sent from JPTT on my Sony E68 ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2017-06-12T00:05
Someone may seek out guidance from you throughout this week, Aquarius. The req uest could be small at first, but as you both get more into exploring the ph ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2017-06-11T21:56
最近因為工作認識了一位韓國的瓶男,我是雙子女。 當時在工作時並沒有想太多,直到工作結束用餐時,聊及我現在沒有男友,結果瓶男開口 說:我也想找一個女朋友。 我還問他:你沒女朋友嗎?那紀念品是要買給誰的阿? 他回說 :給家人跟朋友的。 在那次之後,我就主動加了他的Line,想說當語言交換也不錯, 互加的當天,他 ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2017-06-11T15:01
你們好 我是羊男 和瓶女和平分手已經半年 看了版上的幾篇文章 都有提到 想要挽回的話 瞭解分手的主因是很重要的 所以想請問各位 我該去把主因問清楚嗎 ----- Sent from JPTT on my Sony E6853. - ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2017-06-11T14:21
You may be thinking about turning down a gift, an offer, or an invitation beca use of the person who delivers it to you. That might be a big mistake, Aquar ...