6/19-25英文週運 - 水瓶

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2017-06-16T12:26

Table of Contents

You may have had the experience of mentoring someone recently, Aquarius. It ma
y not have been a formal arrangement, and it may simply have been someone who
came to you for guidance and direction in a casual way, but you did a great jo
b and you may have changed that person's life. That felt really good, didn't i
t? In the week ahead, you may think a lot about giving back in a similar way.
And the good news is that because you feel so positive and so ready to do this
again, the universe will be sending you several opportunities. This week will
be a cornucopia of opportunity - it will also offer you a chance to reconnect
with a long-lost friend or a family member, and a chance to improve your fina
ncial status. You will be busy and the week will fly by, but with the right at
titude, you'll enjoy every moment of it.


Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2017-06-18T00:46
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2017-06-20T06:43
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2017-06-23T04:25


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2017-06-16T12:15
我的星座:天蠍 我在國外唸書 跟他從11月認識到現在了 他是當地人 他18 我19 剛開始只是普通同學 見面hi一下而已 在四月的時候一次連續幾天的巧遇開始比較頻繁的互動常常一起去喝咖啡散步 教我玩滑板 也就是普通朋友出去走走 也不太聊私人的事 不過最近這星期開始幾乎每天一起出去 如果我約他 他在忙 他會說 ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2017-06-16T11:07
Some artists - including songwriters, painters, and movie makers - donand#39;t know where their ideas come from. They are often not sure how they first ima ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2017-06-16T09:26
我的星座:雙女 遠距離至今九個多月,中間遇到過不少的問題 一直以來我都用我認為的樂觀去看待所有我們之間的問題 瓶男每次遇到考試或要趕作業等壓力很大的時候總會說出累了想分開的話,但卻從不提分 手 我總是告訴自己他只是最近壓力大,因為每次當那個時間過後他又會回來黏著我 昨天又遇到了跟上次相同的狀況,撒嬌的要他說 ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2017-06-16T00:55
我的星座或生日:巨蟹 藉由水瓶板紀錄我們的一些事情 我們一起玩了兩天兩夜 其實是員工旅遊 但我很開心 他在來的路上、抵達的時候 都是與我聯絡不是跟我們主管 這兩天也非常開心 雖然不是兩個人黏在一起 但瓶男主動找我單獨合照 連在鄉下騎機車也說要拍 在回程的遊覽車 沒有坐在一起可是瓶男line我了 明 ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2017-06-16T00:06
我的星座或生日:2/16瓶 各位版友好,這是一篇近日抱怨文。 -----抱怨文開始------------------------------------------ 自從前年下半年被很多根稻草壓在身上, 稻草源自於財務緊湊、同事捅刀、碩士班同學是豬隊友, 再加上碩論老闆要我換老闆..., 導致自以為心 ...