6/30英文運勢 - 水瓶

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2017-06-29T22:07

Table of Contents

You are very understanding when other people go through deep emotional situati
and you often offer fantastic advice.
But you are not always so good at dealing with emotional complexities
in your own life, and you turn inward and become a bit numb.
But if you face that is happening, and deal with it the way you would advise s
omeone you care about, Aquarius,you will find that it gets easier and easier.
There may be some drama going on right now,
and this would be a prefect time to practice being your very own counsel.


也許有些戲劇化的發展正在發生, 這會是一個絕佳的機會去練習那些你自己所給的忠告




Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2017-07-02T06:36
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2017-07-05T20:23
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2017-07-07T08:59
當局者迷 旁觀者清
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2017-07-10T06:06
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2017-07-13T04:04
真的好難啊 唉
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2017-07-13T19:26
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-07-14T01:42
George avatar
By George
at 2017-07-14T17:04
David avatar
By David
at 2017-07-15T06:26

氧氣占星 水瓶座2017年7月運勢

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2017-06-29T19:46
進入6月底以來,你的工作強度遞增,這是工作壓力比較大的一段時間,不僅工作繁重, 有形或者無形的壓迫感也無時不在,你的上司可能催促你甚至逼著你加班加點,而你也可 能因此焦慮,危機意識強烈,害怕被公司淘汰不得不拼命追趕工作進度。這個階段職場上 也容易存在一些不友好現象,和某人的合作摩擦增大,勞心勞力卻費力不討好的 ...

瓶兒每週運勢 06/26 ~ 07/02

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2017-06-29T02:05
https://goo.gl/dzHhwc Astrology.com One thing that can be said about romance is that it canand#39;t be predicted. Case in point: the out-of-nowhere, hold ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2017-06-29T00:54
跟瓶男弟弟分手兩個多月了 到今天還是不知道他在想什麼? 想請各位指點指點我。 三月四月冷淡期時, 有一次對話中,瓶男弟弟告訴我說 他覺得我們兩個不會有結果, 兩個人對一些事情看法不同, 而且他覺得跟我交往有壓力, 已經沒有喜歡的感覺,只是因為我們是從好朋友變成情侶,他不想失去我這朋友。 而且他說他還搞不清處自 ...

6/29 英文運勢

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2017-06-28T23:05
You may be looking for obscure answers to a complicated problem, because a sim ple solution seems too obvious. You may feel that you are in the midst of a ...

06/29 瓶兒運勢綜論

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2017-06-28T17:17
https://goo.gl/KS8t2H JUNE 29, 2017 What are you waiting for, Aquarius? You arenand#39;t going to meet anyone new by staying inside all the time. You are ...