8/30 DailyHoroscope - 獅子

By Ivy
at 2019-08-29T23:35
at 2019-08-29T23:35
Table of Contents
An educated guess is based on someone's general knowledge and expertise on som
ething. But even when someone is considered to be an authority on a certain to
pic, they can still be wrong. If you are thinking about going into something n
ew, Leo, you may naturally want to consult with someone who has some experienc
e in the matter. But don't just go by that. Do your own research. Ask question
s of non-experts. And most of all, go with your gut. You have a good sense of
judgment, so don't be afraid to rely on it.
但即使一個人被認為是某方面的權威,他們仍仍然有可能會出錯。 如果你正在考慮做些
但不要盲目的相信他們,自己也要做好功課。 最重要的是相信你的直覺,你有很好的判
ething. But even when someone is considered to be an authority on a certain to
pic, they can still be wrong. If you are thinking about going into something n
ew, Leo, you may naturally want to consult with someone who has some experienc
e in the matter. But don't just go by that. Do your own research. Ask question
s of non-experts. And most of all, go with your gut. You have a good sense of
judgment, so don't be afraid to rely on it.
但即使一個人被認為是某方面的權威,他們仍仍然有可能會出錯。 如果你正在考慮做些
但不要盲目的相信他們,自己也要做好功課。 最重要的是相信你的直覺,你有很好的判
All Comments

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at 2019-09-01T10:26
at 2019-09-01T10:26

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at 2019-09-02T21:18
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