9/28 星座運勢 - 獅子

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2018-09-27T17:20

Table of Contents


It won't be easy to figure out where to direct your attention right now -- you
're so deep in the thick of things that it's difficult to get perspective on w
hat you need to get involved with and what can safely be left alone. Step back
from your daily grind and just give this time. Sooner or later, what you need
to do will become obvious. Until then, just focus on your own concerns. Take
care of yourself until you know who or what else you should be taking care of.


Work 工作

If your pet project hits a roadblock, finding a good detour may take time. Do
some brainstorming -- then help someone else with his or her work to get a pos
itive energy flowing. Your momentum will return in a flash!


Singles Love 愛情

Keeping your cool is usually easy for you, but some around you are having a ha
rd time with their feelings now. Be as sympathetic as you can without taking o
n all their troubles. Empathy works wonders -- and gets you noticed.



Tags: 獅子

All Comments

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2018-10-02T13:27

9/27 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2018-09-27T07:12
今日運勢 2018 / 09 / 27 (四) 晴 今天工作一樁接著一樁,雖然需要耗費較多的體力和時間,但是可以提高效率及提升進帳 。 感情方面實質的體貼舉動會帶來立竿見影的效果,不妨用實際行動來展現你的浪漫吧! 幸運色是黑色。 來源:https://apps.facebook.com/daily-z ...

9/27 Daily Horoscope

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2018-09-26T21:39
Working with other people can sometimes be difficult when you are not the one in charge, Leo. This is especially true when the person who is in charge has ...

9/27 星座運勢

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2018-09-26T19:23
Daily 日常 This monthand#39;s most active phase is finally coming to a close, and you should be ready to slow down the pace and crawl into your own head fo ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2018-09-26T16:42
一針見血的話語將會猛烈襲來。 當然,帶著攻擊性的語言其實並沒有這個意思,而是隱藏著真心、認真的對話。 接受朝你飛來的話語,對手所說的話也會散發著光芒。 試探性的話語、別有用心的用詞較少的現階段, 你應該可以簡單地應對吧。 語言這種東西,一方面是用來表現事物的意義, 同時也有許多時候是用來隱藏某些事物的。 不 ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2018-09-26T12:23
我是蠍女 他是貓男(? 收編這隻貓也快一年了 中間也有吵過架 貓媽媽也曾說過,這隻就是大男人,愛面子 如果一個不開心搞失蹤都有可能 結果這隻貓其實才是妻奴 也對我的一對貓兒女疼愛有加 大概是 出門要記得開電風扇!!不然我兒子女兒會熱! 女兒他們水沒了!記得加!(然後自己跑去加水) 厚你都幾天沒挖貓砂了 ...