Daily Horoscope 2022/02/04 - 金牛

By Valerie
at 2022-02-04T00:32
at 2022-02-04T00:32
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Daily Horoscope for Friday 02/04
You could accidentally stumble upon someone's long-hidden secret today. There
are two ways to go with this, Taurus. You could openly express to this individ
ual that you know, but this might create an awkward distance between you. Even
if that's what you're feeling, it might not be wise. If possible, it would pr
obably be best just to pretend you never received that knowledge, and just go
on as though nothing had happened. Truth is always changing, so what you know
might not even be valid a day from now.
stumble 躊躇;猶豫不決
awkward 尷尬;笨拙
Daily Horoscope for Friday 02/04
You could accidentally stumble upon someone's long-hidden secret today. There
are two ways to go with this, Taurus. You could openly express to this individ
ual that you know, but this might create an awkward distance between you. Even
if that's what you're feeling, it might not be wise. If possible, it would pr
obably be best just to pretend you never received that knowledge, and just go
on as though nothing had happened. Truth is always changing, so what you know
might not even be valid a day from now.
stumble 躊躇;猶豫不決
awkward 尷尬;笨拙
All Comments

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at 2022-02-01T16:09
at 2022-02-01T16:09

By Lily
at 2022-02-04T14:37
at 2022-02-04T14:37
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