Daily Horoscope 2022/08/30 - 金牛

By Wallis
at 2022-08-30T01:24
at 2022-08-30T01:24
Table of Contents
You may be in need of moral support, but you may not know where to find it. Th
ere are people who believe in you, Taurus, and people who would stand behind y
ou if they knew what you were going through. In the meantime, know that the un
iverse is on your side as you take on an important mission. You are at the beg
inning of a quest that could change your life - perhaps it is a move of some k
ind, or a new job, or some other kind of fresh start. Trust in the goodness th
at surrounds you, and have faith in yourself.
You may be in need of moral support, but you may not know where to find it. Th
ere are people who believe in you, Taurus, and people who would stand behind y
ou if they knew what you were going through. In the meantime, know that the un
iverse is on your side as you take on an important mission. You are at the beg
inning of a quest that could change your life - perhaps it is a move of some k
ind, or a new job, or some other kind of fresh start. Trust in the goodness th
at surrounds you, and have faith in yourself.
All Comments

By Erin
at 2022-09-01T01:43
at 2022-09-01T01:43

By Dorothy
at 2022-09-03T02:02
at 2022-09-03T02:02

By Hedy
at 2022-09-05T02:21
at 2022-09-05T02:21

By Joe
at 2022-09-07T02:40
at 2022-09-07T02:40

By Anthony
at 2022-09-09T02:59
at 2022-09-09T02:59

By Susan
at 2022-09-11T03:18
at 2022-09-11T03:18

By David
at 2022-09-13T03:37
at 2022-09-13T03:37

By Caitlin
at 2022-09-12T16:41
at 2022-09-12T16:41

By Erin
at 2022-09-14T17:00
at 2022-09-14T17:00

By Iris
at 2022-09-12T16:41
at 2022-09-12T16:41

By Ethan
at 2022-09-14T17:00
at 2022-09-14T17:00
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