Daily Horoscope 2022/08/31 - 金牛

By Damian
at 2022-08-31T00:24
at 2022-08-31T00:24
Table of Contents
Has someone been pushing you around, dear Taurus? Or are you just being accomm
odating because you don't want to deal with a fight? Either way, you may not b
e happy about a situation that you are now enduring. Although turning things a
round may involve getting into that argument you want to avoid, it might be a
wise decision to try. There could be some friction, bruised feelings, and even
hostility, but in the end, you won't have to worry about it anymore, or force
yourself to be easygoing in the face of unfairness. Consider it.
accommodating 遷就;隨和;親切
enduring 忍受;持久;堅持
friction 摩擦;衝突;不合
bruised 挫傷;擦傷
hostility 敵意;敵對狀態
Has someone been pushing you around, dear Taurus? Or are you just being accomm
odating because you don't want to deal with a fight? Either way, you may not b
e happy about a situation that you are now enduring. Although turning things a
round may involve getting into that argument you want to avoid, it might be a
wise decision to try. There could be some friction, bruised feelings, and even
hostility, but in the end, you won't have to worry about it anymore, or force
yourself to be easygoing in the face of unfairness. Consider it.
accommodating 遷就;隨和;親切
enduring 忍受;持久;堅持
friction 摩擦;衝突;不合
bruised 挫傷;擦傷
hostility 敵意;敵對狀態
All Comments

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at 2022-09-02T00:43
at 2022-09-02T00:43

By Edith
at 2022-09-04T01:02
at 2022-09-04T01:02

By Xanthe
at 2022-09-06T01:21
at 2022-09-06T01:21

By Kama
at 2022-09-08T01:40
at 2022-09-08T01:40

By Agnes
at 2022-09-10T01:59
at 2022-09-10T01:59
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