Monthly Horoscope November - 射手

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2018-10-28T12:09

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Sagittarius November

Behind the scenes, a self-help author might have a crumbling family life or be
bombarded with fears.

Sometimes people who hold themselves out as experts are struggling with issues
they can help to correct for other people.

Someone you may deal with this month could appear to be an expert in some capa
city, and you may need their expertise.

But as the month goes on, you may see facets of this person that make you ques
tion the level of experience.

Try to see it through anyway. Some people can help others even though they can
't help themselves.

A mentor or guide may appear in your life this month just when you need it mos

This is not something you can plan for, Sagittarius, as there may seem to be m
ysterious forces at work.

You are on a path to a dream, and the guidance you receive could seem like the
validation you need to keep going.

A disagreement around the middle of the month could escalate to a full-out arg
ument if you don't guide it to a more productive, positive place.

Since this may be a matter that is very important to you, nipping any problems
in the bud will be essential.

At the end of the month, a chance encounter could lead you to a reconciliation
with an estranged friend or family member.

That may not be a direct link; it could just be that something this person say
s helps you to see your way clear to repair a rift.
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射手座 11月

Some people can help others even though they can't help themselves.






Tags: 射手

All Comments

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2018-10-30T01:57
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2018-11-02T22:21

10/28(日)科技紫微網 射手座運勢

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2018-10-28T02:24
運勢平順,有利展現才華。 整體運 ★★★☆☆ 今天很適合努力表現自己,與人競爭會讓你脫穎而出。口才佳,說話條理分明,見解獨到,很容易受到他人的認同,名聲獲得彰顯。財運一般,不宜冒險投資,可考慮小本買賣,會有不錯的收穫。 事業運 ★★★★☆ 運勢不錯,能夠充分發揮活力,若心中有計劃不妨著手去做,會有好結果喔 ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2018-10-28T01:19
出處: 內容: 《法塔羅克里福德》10/29~11/04塔羅星座運勢 本運勢請同時參考太陽與上昇星座 射手座 權杖4 節制逆位 錢幣侍者 【穩下來】 你不可能要「新鮮刺激」同時又要「穩定」。雖然這段時間的生活較平淡無趣,卻是個完 成階段性目標,並且逐步成 ...

射手女說少了那種感覺 我真的不懂

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2018-10-27T15:51
各位大大你們好 最近一個認識一個射手女 我們大概聊了一個月 也常常出去 最近我跟他告白 他也答應了 就在一起兩個禮拜 出去情侶該有的互動都有 他也說跟我在一起很輕鬆很自在 也是他想要的 他今天傳了訊息給我 說跟我在一起很好 可是就是少了一種感覺 說沒有太大的悸動 我問他是什麼的感覺 他又說不出來 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2018-10-27T12:16
各位好~ 新手發文,排版不好請見諒 從沒喜歡、深交過射手, 印象中射手不論男女人緣好,射手都蠻開朗、好聊,也沒料自己居然會有喜歡射手的一天QQ 以下是認識過程: 去年2月剛開學跟射手男原本是修同一堂課的陌生人, 直到4月無意間聽到射手男跟他朋友好像談論到我,我開始對他好奇。 射男外在滿滿chi ...

Daily Horoscope 10/29-11/04

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2018-10-27T12:14
Sagittarius 10/29-11/04 Your week may start with you feeling like you are under a lot of pressure. It may seem like you are being pulled in different dir ...